
Archive for November, 2008

The Baguettes tour the Veterans Home at Yountville

Monday, November 24th, 2008

Earlier this month the Baguettes, Cora Moore, Leslie Ary, Mirna Estes, Lavella Cassinelli and Cora Stewart visited the Veterans Home in Yountville.  They delivered 62 wheelchair bags (year to date 162! have been delivered) and 6 sidearm bags.  The volunteer director, Susan Heims, seen with them in the photo, took them on a tour of […]

Quilted Cottage Open House

Sunday, November 23rd, 2008

Quilted Cottage 567 First St. East Sonoma, CA 95476 707/938-3650 Hrs:  Mon.-Sat. 10-5PM Sunday until 1/109; 12-4PM   CHRISTMAS OPEN HOUSE WITH STOREWIDE DISCOUNTS, REFRESHMENTS AND A CHANCE TO WIN A $50 GIFT CERTIFICATE.  LOTS OF GIFT IDEAS FOR STOCKING STUFFERS AND QUICK PROJECTS ….   WHEN:  SATURDAY, 11/29, 10-5pm   We have a ideas […]

Table Runner Pattern from November TSW

Friday, November 21st, 2008

If you were unable to attend November’s Technique Sharing Workshop, TSW, you may download the pattern by clicking on the link below. Spiral Table Runner


Sunday, November 16th, 2008

IN TIME FOR CHRISTMAS  SIX QUILTERS CUPBOARDS  REGULAR PRICE $5665.00  CHRISTMAS SPECIAL  40% OFF  $3399.00 Plus shipping and sales tax Payment in full with order  . HANSONS FACADES USA 20876 Maranatha Rd 800 827-4553 Fax 800 586-4709 Order on web site www.facadesusa.com