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Quilt-a-thon Thank You

We had a wonderful Quiltathon yesterday [May 2, 2013]. Thank you to everyone who participated! We now have 64 new quilts ready for delivery and many waiting to be turned and quilted. Several members took quilts home to finish.

The room was full of members sewing, pinning, trimming, turning, pressing, doing hand work, and visiting with old and new friends. With so many machines, the balance between all phases of construction was perfect. Thank you to everyone who responded to Pam’s plea and brought a machine (or 3 machines in Betty’s case!).

Thank you to experienced members who mentored those learning new skills. At least one new member did free motion quilting for the first time — with very nice results.
Special thanks to Pam Brown and Laura Barrett who did a superb job instructing and overseeing pinning and trimming.
Laura arrived early, helped set up, stayed until lock-up time, and spent the day solving problems. (Where can we set up one more sewing station??)

Pizza and salad at noon provided just the right break. Thank you to Carolle for the idea and follow-through and, as always, thanks to our gracious and efficient hospitality crew.

Our guild members make a great team, and the recipients of our quilts appreciate you.

Pam Beebe & Anne Dondero

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