
San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles

The San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles has asked us to share this information with our membership.

Insights into Quilt National ’11
Sunday, March 18, 2012, 1-2:30pm
Nelda Warkentin, Quilt National ’11 juror and artist, will offer information and observations about the exhibition and the jury process. As a way of introducing herself, Warkentin will also discuss her work, its evolution and where its headed. Following her presentation, a ‘juror’s walk’ will highlight several of the quilts in the exhibition.
Warkentin is a fiber artist with gallery representation in Anchorage AK and Boston MA. Her quilts have been exhibited in the U.S. and internationally, including the U.S. Embassies in Belgium, Russia and South Africa. Her work, featured in the book, ‘Masters: Art Quilts, Volume 2’, has been juried 12 times into Quilt National and Visions. Warkentin is Treasurer of Studio Art Quilt Associates.
$10 students, $15 members, $25 non members. Purchase online.
 On Exhibit: Quilt National ’11 (Through April 29, 2012)
The 17th biennial juried exhibition of Quilt National returns to the San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles for the first time since 2006. This quintessential exhibition of contemporary art quilts features 46 works by first time entrants and established artists. Juried by Eleanor McCain, Pauline Verbeek-Cowart, and Nelda Warkentin in Ohio during the fall of 2010, the exhibit showcases state-of-the art contemporary quilting in all of its range of styles, techniques, and multi-faceted contemporary expressions. Its purpose is “to carry the definition of quilting far beyond its traditional parameters and to promote quilt making as what it always has been — an art form.” As always, the quilts selected for Quilt National have never before been exhibited or published before their premier showing at the Dairy Barn Arts Center in Athens, Ohio, May 28 through September 5, 2011. The San Jose Museum of Quilts & Textiles is the only west coast venue that will feature this portion of Quilt National.

 For more information, click here http://sjquiltmuseum.org/exhibitions.html

Exhibit Sponsors: Contemporary Quilt and Fiber Artists and Northern California Quilt Council
 San Jose  Museum of Quilts & Textiles
            520 South  First Street San Jose,  California 95113
Open Tues – Sun 10am – 5pm
and 7-11pm on the first Friday of every month

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