
MEMORY BEARS for Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health

This was forwarded by our member, Judy Mathieson, as members may be interested in making these darling bears.
Click on the link at the bottom of the email to go to the website that also has a photo of the bears. A very worthy cause. Thanks to Judy for passing it along.

I am writing you to see if you know of any sewing/quilting groups that would be interested in an ongoing special project. As you may remember, I work for the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health which is the fundraising arm for the Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital and pediatric programs at the Stanford School of Medicine.
One department at the hospital that I am working with is the Bereavement and Family Guidance Program (BFGP). They help families who are facing the death of a child or support them once their precious child dies. The BFGP in the process of beginning a sibling program to help brothers and sisters of these children. One aspect of this program is for the child and their sibling (s) to receive a memory bear. The bear is made from the dying child’s favorite blanket/quilt or clothing – I’ve attached a picture of some bears made for a family.
As you can see, this is a very special project. We are looking for a group of seamstresses/artists who would volunteer their time to sew and create these bears. Since you interact with many people and groups who have the special skills to do this, I thought maybe you could help me. I would appreciate your guidance, maybe you know of a group that would be interested in this project or does similar projects and would like that might be interested, or know of an e-bulletin board, blog where this request could be posted.
Judy, thanks for your insights and help with this. I appreciate anything you can do.
Warm regards, Debbie
Debbie Burkholder
Assistant Director, Children’s Fund
Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health
400 Hamilton Avenue, Suite 340, Palo Alto, CA 94301 P: 650.736.2437 E: debbie.burkholder@lpfch.org

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