
WINE COUNTRY QUILT SHOW – Entry Deadline April 4th, 2012

Quilt show entries for WINE COUNTRY QUILT SHOW

Hello fellow quilters!!

The deadline date approaches, April 4th, for the Wine Country Quilt Show for quilt show entries. You have all been a bit slow this year. There are so few entries that it is scary (40)!!! Please don’t be afraid of the computerized entry process. It is very user friendly. Go to www.mqsc.org and pull down the Quilt Show Tab. Or you can cut and paste this URL into your browser and it will take you to the form!!! http://www.mqsc.org/annual-quilt-show/quilt-show-entry-form/ It’s very easy. If you have no comments about your quilt, just type the words “leave blank.” Your notation will be honored.

Also remember if you work a 2 hour shift on ANY day, that entitles you to one free entry into the quilt show your choice of days. If you work two shifts, you get free entry both days!! Otherwise, one shift, one entry and if you want to go again, it’s a nominal fee of $5 for the second day. Volunteers are needed to help make this show a success. So please sign up for something that you would like to do. Forms for volunteering are available on the website or cut and paste this URL for http://www.mqsc.org/wp-content/uploads/2012/03/2012-Volunteer-Sign-Up-Form-version-3.pdf to print the form, complete and mail to Katina Repp.

So PLEASE, enter your quilts on line!!! At the MQSC Business meeting, April 4th, there will be several of us available to take a photo of your quilt if you do not have a digital camera. Some forms will be available, but preferably, print one out from the website, have it completed to turn in when you have your quilt photographed. REMEMBER the dimensions, width by length, and it’s very important that you are accurate with these measurements.

Any questions, please call me, Joanne Thomas, Quilt Show Entry Coordinator, 707-528-3559 or email me jthomas@sonic.net

A P. S. from Sharon ‘the Librarian’ Fry — For our newer Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Members — This email is in reference to Moonlight Quilters of Sonoma County’s annual quilt show. Moonlight Quilters very graciously invites our SRQG members to participate in their show. It will be held Saturday and Sunday, June 2 and 3, 2012, at the Veterans’ Building, 1351 Maple Avenue, Santa Rosa, CA.

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