
Coming Event: Quilt-a-Thon!

I hope to see you on Thursday at our first 2007 Quilt-a-thon!  We all get together with our needles, threads, scissors and sewing machines and work on the  quilts for our Guild Community Projects. We have a fun time! We start sewing at 10:30 and sew, sew, sew!
I was shy and didn’t know quite what to do or help with the first time I joined in on a Quilt-a-thon, but I remember one of the guild members took me over to one of the tables and showed me how to even out the edges on the batting for one of the baby quilts, and when I was done with that I helped put some labels on the quilts. I was not only enjoying helping out, I was also getting to know other guild members I had never had a chance to meet or chat with before and I was learning more about quilting in the process. I was a new quilter and had never seen such mass production quilting activity before. :o)
Quilts everywhere! In various stages of completion. Quilters bent over sewing machines with piles of quilts around them and  quilters tossing quilts around from one table to another. One group of quilters layering quilts,  while other’s  are sewing them shut! 
I seldom miss a Quilt-a-thon! I just feel so good after participating in this event. :o) I load my car the night before with my supplies checking and double checking that I have the important things I need….if you are bringing your sewing machine, don’t forget your power cord! (been there, done that.) :o)
If you can’t bring your sewing machine, then just bring yourself— and of course your basic sewing supplies because there is always  hand work to do. If you can’t stay–we will miss you!  (and you will miss the fun) Hopefully you can take a few quilts home to work on too. See you very soon!


One Response to “Coming Event: Quilt-a-Thon!”

  1. Machine Sewing Tables Says:

    Teaching Children to Sew: Which Sewing Machine To Use

    Even if your child is 3 years old, the only question you must ask yourself to determine if a person is ready to learn to sew is: Will they obey the MOST important rule in sewing?

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