
Signing Up for Feedblitz

If anyone is reluctant to try signing up for Feedblitz for any reason, the process is much easier now. Also, if you want , I can personally sign you up and all you need to do is "Confirm" your Subscription which will be a form type letter that arrives in your email box. Just email me and I can sign you to Feedblitz’s automatic email notification which allows you to know when something has changed here on the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Blog.  Feedblitz sends out notices daily regarding changes here. 

Our Catagories as of this Date are:

Guild News
Library News
Places to Go & Things to Do
Pointless Sisters Art Quilt Group
–and Websites–with more to come!

If you want to add a Catagory just let me know. As a member this is your " space" on the Website to let other members know about all sorts of information that you feel like chatting about.  If you need help on how to participate in "blogging here", please feel free to contact me. 

~Angie, SRQG web.

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