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Membership Committee Position Available

              Department of Human Resources

   We are quite pleased with all that our committee has been able to accomplish.  Having joined this committee with Marilyn Vitali, about 18 months ago, I know quite well how much she has contributed to our success and it’s a lot.  She would like to pursue a different interest now and has become a volunteer in the Rohnert Park Public Library near her home.  We will continue to see her warm and friendly face at our meetings.
   Marilyn’s job has been to help process incoming dues, record membership renewals in a file card system and distribute membership cards.  Like all committee members, she handles the sale of pins, note cards and now, name tag kits.   We also keep a supply of new member binders filled and ready to go. 
   Additional responsibility is helping to set up the committee’s table and materials by 9:30 a.m., and help return all of it to the storage closet following the meeting.  We all do our best to welcome members as they arrive and pay particular attention to newer members by answering questions (or finding someone who can), and giving a brief tour of the various projects set up around the hall.   An excellent way of learning about our activities is to initially guide those arriving to sign in and supervise writing the name tags for those who have forgotten to wear one or haven’t yet made one.
   Each of us can cover for one another in someone’s absence.  It’s quite a lot of knowledge but no one is expected to learn it overnight.  We happily offer on-the-job training. 
   Marilyn, Janice Juul and I enjoy working with and supporting one another, and find satisfaction in the knowledge that we are contributing mightily to the success of our quilt guild.  So think about joining our team – we welcome new ideas and a sense of humor.  Marilyn will stay for a while to help train our one or two, or even three trainees.

Patricia Kearns

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