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June 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
June 6, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The May minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Marilyn Altenbach moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Lavella Cassinelli seconded.  Accepted..  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details. The Guild has received a check from State Farm Insurance thanks to volunteer work of two of our members.


NEW BUSINESS:  It is time to start thinking about the new opportunity quilt.  The Pointless Sisters would like to do another Art Quilt and the rest of us would do the traditional quilt.  Sharon Fry and Sharon Mills are willing to help the new chairman get started.  If you are interested in heading up the committee or being on the committee, please let Sharon F. or Sharon M. know.


Rowena Kennedy shared information on quilting retreats that she coordinates in the Santa Barbara area.  If you are interested, please stop by the table and pick up more information.

Pam McVey announced that sign up sheets are available for the Sonoma County Fair.  We will need volunteers to work the days the quilts are taken in, when the quilts are hung and to do demos the entire time of the fair.  Please sign up for a spot that fits your schedule.

Norma Viglienzone announced that Vandy Noble would be heading off to Oregon.  Norma will be coordinating a friendship quilt for Vandy from the guild.  More information will follow by e-mail.  Vandy will be missed.

Mary Wood shared information on a recent medical problem, called tailor’s leg, which she has developed, and it is related to quilting.  When you are sitting to do hand work, remember to stretch and move so you don’t injure yourself.

Pam Beebe announced that she just received a check from the Moonlight Quilt Guild. Please see Pam for details. This is part of Moonlight’s way of saying thank you to the day guild for helping out with the show. This was the most successful year for the boutique.

Phyllis Gallaway announced that someone came up to her at the quilt show who want to commission a queen size quilt.  If anyone is interested in doing this, please see Phyllis for details.

Phyllis introduced Vicky David, who coordinated the volunteers for the quilt show.  Vicky thanked everyone for their part in making the quilt show a success.  MQG expresses their appreciation for the support and help from the day guild by letting our members enter our quilts in the show, sell our boutique items and sell opportunity quilt tickets.

Phyllis Gallaway announced that Diablo Valley will be doing their quilt show again this year.  It is September 22 and 23.  Freddie Moran is the featured quilter.  Alden Lane Nursery will be having their show that same weekend.

Lavella Cassinelli and Jan Andrews showed an antique quilt that had been donated for the wounded warriors.  The quilt would not hold up with the hospital washings so it will be raffled off and the proceeds will be used to buy supplies to make new quilts for the wounded warriors.

Committee Reports
Fund Raisers:  Linda Sims announced that Albertson’s has been sold and the community project no longer exists.  We are still participating in the Community Smart Card.  The Community Smart Card raises annual which are contributed to the guild.  If you are interested in obtaining a Community Smart Card, please see Linda.

Justine Lott thanked everyone who participated in the bulb sales which helps raise money for guild programs. 

Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the upcoming programs and workshop.  Mike McNamara will come and entertain us on June 21.  There won’t be a formal workshop on June 22, however, Betty Upchurch will be doing free motion machine quilting.  If you are interested in doing the machine quilting workshop, please sign up so Betty knows how many kits to make.  The workshop is free, but there will be a $10 kit fee. On the same day, Lavella Cassinelli will coordinate a top-a-thon.  The top-a-thon will start at 9:00 AM and the machine quilting will also start at 9:00 AM. Lavella will also have quilts ready to be quilted.  This is a good opportunity to practice the techniques Betty shows us.

The July and August workshops will be technique workshops.  In July Debbie Caffrey will teach you how to use all those rulers you have collected and don’t know what to do with.  In August Sharyn Craig will be doing Innovative Sets.  All blocks are not created equal. She will show you innovative ways to work with those blocks that are not quite equal. Sharyn has a standing column in several magazines.  Please see the web site or Phyllis for more information.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper showed friendship blocks that had been turned in.  She still has room for a few more signups. Pictures of the blocks that have come in will be put on the web site.

Opportunity Quilt Sales – Glenda Ross announced the total amount from the sale of the opportunity quilt tickets at the quilt show over the weekend. Please see Glenda for details.  Glenda asked for volunteers to help sell opportunity quilt tickets at the Windsor Quilt and Garden Show on July 1.  Glenda has tickets available for the new opportunity quilts.

TSW:  Today, Elizabeth Marrs will be sharing tips on entering your quilt in shows.  On July 5, Betty Upchurch will do a scarecrow wall hanging.  On September 6, Barbara Youngblood will show you how to make a pillowcase.

Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli reported that to date, she has delivered 457 quilts. She has many quilts that are ready for quilting.  Also there are kits on the tables for tops.  She will need more tops for the quilt-a-thon in October. Lavella show a quilt for the wounded warriors that she made and Angie Kiker quilted. So far she has sent off 6 quilts and has 4 more ready to go.  If you have a top you would like to donate, Lavella will get the batting and backing and have it quilted. If you enclose a note with the quilt, you will get a thank you from the soldier who received the quilt.

Boutique –Judith Clark encouraged everyone to buy raffle tickets for the raffle.  Participation in the raffle has been slow.  They will be putting the raffle to a buy test.  If you want to keep the raffle going, please show your support by buying raffle tickets.

Membership:  Pam welcomed Judy Bello to the membership committee.

Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines.  We now have 1,900 books in our library. The new laptop is a big help in locating books.  If anyone has some time to volunteer, Sharon can always use your help at the library table.

Merit Awards:  Sharon Fry reminded members that nominations for the merit awards were due to President, Pam McVey at the close of the June 21 meeting.  If you have any questions, please see Sharon, Linda Hooper or Diana Roberts.

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary


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