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SRQG October 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
October 5,, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The September minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Denise Raney moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Pat Schabel seconded.  Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  The full treasurer’s report was not available.  Sandy Chan-Brown advised that we are solvent. She will send the report to Pam who will present it at the next meeting. Sandy will be gone for the next meeting.  Please submit any bills to her and she will get you a check before she leaves.




Programs – Phyllis Gallaway:  reviewed the upcoming programs and workshop.  In October, Jennie Rayment will be here, on her way to Houston.  Her workshop will be Sudoku in Texture.  Also, if you are interested in a four day Sally Collins workshop in February, there are two spots left.  Please see Phyllis for details.

Opportunity Quilt Sales – Glenda Ross announced that we will be selling tickets for our opportunity quilts at the quilt show in Sonoma on October 6 and 7.  She could still use some help in filling a couple spots.  Also, if you have not picked up your opportunity tickets, please see Glenda.

Nancy Parmelee:  Put in a plug for the Sonoma Quilt Show.  It will be a good start for PIQF.

PIQF:  Melissa Trunick The bus trip will be October 11, 2007. There are four seats left. Melissa reminded everyone of the pickup locations and times and to bring their medications, etc.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper reviewed the friendship blocks that are available.  Please see Linda to sign up

Diana Roberts – TSW:  Caroline Poage will be doing a workshop in November on how to add borders to large appliqué quilts.  Lavella Cassinelli will also be doing a workshop on how to do a baby quilt.

Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli is happy to see so many here today. She has plenty of quilts ready to work on.  If you are unable to stay, there are quilts available to take home and work on.  She has delivered 783 quilts .She has not set a goal for this year, but if we are going to reach the 1,000 mark she needs over 200 quilts ready for the rest of the year.

Jan Head – Long Arm Quilter:  Jan introduced herself and announced that she moved to the Windsor area from Hawaii earlier this year.  She has started her long arm quilting business.  Come and see her if you have need for long arm quilting services.

Jan Andrews – Sew A Row:  The sew-a-row program is in both the new and old stage.  The rows for 2007 are being finished and new rows for 2008 are being turned in.  She would like to have the new rows by the December meeting.  Details were in the newsletter.  If you have questions, please see Jan.

Boutique – Tera Antaree:  The boutique is set up today.  She highlighted a couple of the raffle prizes.

Valeska Lattin –  Valeska volunteers at the Sonoma County Museum.  They are having a White Elephant sale on October 13, 2007.  Come and see what they have.

Justine Lott – Flower Bulb Sales:  This is the last time to sign up for bulbs. The guild will receive 50% of everything that is sold.

Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month:  Kathy announced that the block of the month would be extended until next meeting.

Newsletters:  The newsletters are ready for pickup.  Also, need people to deliver the newsletters to the various associates.

Parliamentarian – Janice Rodgers: Janice introduced the nominating committee and the slate of officers for 2008.  She asked that we begin to meet these people. We will vote on the new officers at the November meeting. Thanks Janice and committee for developing the slate of officers.  Thank you members for being  willing to serve.

Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines during lunch 

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:40 AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary


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