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February 7th Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
February 7, 2008

President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:03 AM with an exuberant “Good Morning and welcome to the 1st Quilt-A-Thon of 2008”.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.

MINUTES:  The January minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail.  Doty Zagar moved that the minutes be accepted.  Doris Maneke seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT: Exciting news! Jan Head announced the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild’s financial statement is looking better than the current stock market.  Reimbursement forms can now be obtained on the website.  Please see Jan for details of January’s financial report.

OLD BUSINESS:  Pam received an e-mail regarding the Tri Guild Luncheon. Each guild receives 58 places for the luncheon and they already have 41 responses from Santa Rosa Quilt Guild.  Members wishing to attend this event need to R.S.V.P to


ANNOUNCEMENTS:  The office staff in the building where we hold our meeting wants us to know that when they leave the building for their lunch break they lock the front door.  They ask us to please ring the door bell located on the side of the door.

The Guild received a thank you for the donation of the quilt raffled by Linda Morand to the San Diego Firefighters.

Anne Dondero – Membership:   Information binders for new members are now available.  Today is the last day to pay this year’s membership dues and be included on the roster. 

Lavella Cassinelli – Community Projects:  Nice to see so many at the 1st Quilt-A-Thon of the year.  Lavella needs baby quilt tops for Sutter and Memorial Hospitals.  The Guild received a donation from the Community Foundation yet again this year. 

Lavella reported on the huge success for the 5th Thursday retreat.  Participants worked on getting quilts ready for today’s Quilt-A-Thon, boutique items and blocks for the Gold Families.

Mirna Estes will be taking over for Lavella for the next 2 months while she is having her knee replacement surgery.

Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt:  Glenda is asking for volunteers to sign-up for the Home and Garden Show located at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds March 14-16. 

Phyllis Gallaway – Moonlight Quilt Guild Liaison:  Reminder to save June 7 and 8 for the Moonlight Quilt Show.  They really need volunteers to help with the show each year.

The Moonlight Guild still has room available in the Mickey Dupre “Paintstiks” workshop on Saturday, February 23.  This is the same workshop that SRQG is holding (which is full).

Jan Andrews – Sew-A-Row & Newsletter: The newsletter will be available at the next meeting. 

Space is still available in the Sew-A-Row, located in the back of the room.

Linda Hooper- Friendship Blocks & Website: Linda showed the many blocks turned in today for the Friendship Block program. 

Pam McVey thanked Linda for the great job she is doing on the website and with the new additions to the site.

Judith Clarke – Boutique:  Pointed out the Valentine Angel on display at the boutique table.

Tera Antaree – Technique Sharing Workshops: After the next meeting, Pam Beebe will hold a technique workshop on knitting baby hats for the community project.  Supply lists for the workshops are now located on the website.  Upcoming workshops include: Jan Head teaching us how to prepare quilts for a long arm quilter and Melissa Trunick with the ever popular Mystery Quilt.

Mary Wood – Program Chair:  The class is full for the Mickey Depre “Paintstiks” workshop.  Reminder: there is a $27.50 workshop fee paid directly to Mickey at the time of the workshop.  Mary Mashuta will be doing her “Wagon Wheel Quilt” workshop in March.  Sign-ups are in the back of room.        
Sign-ups are now open for the April workshop by Marilyn Doheny, who will be offering “Triads”.  It is a method class using fabric strips cut into triangles and made into interesting designs. 

Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month:  Two stands have been donated to help display the Block of the Month.  This month’s block is pink and brown fabric called “Framed Friendship”.  Bring prewashed 5” pink and brown scraps to the program meeting.

Kat Stephens – Photographer:  She asked for a volunteer to assist her in recording notes while she takes pictures.  Thank you to Cathy Rapp for volunteering.  Kat will be taking photos during our Quilt-A-Thon today for the website.

Barbara Cortelyou – Hospitality:  Barbara announced that we have lots of food today, including a birthday cake for Diana Roberts and Doty Zagar. 

Melissa Trunick – Sewing Room Sale:  Mellissa reminded the Guild of 2 upcoming events: The Sewing Room Sales in April and the UFO Challenge due the 3rd Thursday in May.

Sharon Fry – Librarian:  Will introduce the new books for the library during the Quilt-A-Thon.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and name tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 10:42 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,


Linda Emis, Recording Secretary








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