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Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
July 3, 2008

President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.

Guests were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.  A designated newcomer’s table is now at the front of the room to help the membership in meeting our guests and new members. 

Minutes:  The June minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail.  Byron Borck moved that the minutes be accepted.  Doty Zagar seconded.  Accepted.  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table. 

Treasurer’s Report:  Jan reported we had a phenomenally successful month of June due to fabric sales, Community Smartcards and the June workshop with Nancy Brown.  Valeska Lattin and Illona Moore received a donation from the State Farm Good Neighbor Grant Program for their volunteer work in the Guild. 

Old Business:  None

New Business:  None

Announcements:  Raffle tickets for the Double Wedding Ring Quilt are being sold by Susan Silvey.  This is a quilt that was donated to the Wounded Warriors, but it was decided that it was too fragile to stand up to the consistent washing.  Process from the tickets sales will go into the Community Project fund.

 Lavella Cassinelli was asked to stand up and take a bow for receiving the Jefferson Award.  The website has a link to the newspaper article and television interview on the blog.  Pam mentioned that “Lavella is now signing autographs with a slight fee going to the community project fund”.

The Material Girl has entry forms for the upcoming Windsor Farmers Market and Quilt Show on July 6th.

Judith Clarke asked if anyone wanted to help her deliver the quilt made for Steven Kiernan the injured Petaluma solider who is currently in a rehabilitation center in Washington D.C.  His father Jim will be taking it back to him.

Betty Upchurch has her sign-up sheet for volunteers to help walk with her in the Relay for Life on July 26th.  If you cannot participate in the walk you can still help with a donation. All proceeds stay in the local area. 

Cora Stewart will have kits available at the next 5th Thursday retreat so members can make wheelchair bags.

Committee Reports:  

Anne Dondero-Membership:  A sign-up sheet is located at the membership desk for anyone wishing to start a mini-group.  Updated membership rosters are also located at the desk.

Phyllis Gallaway-MQSC Liaison:  Phyllis announced a boutique-brainstorming meeting July 24th to discuss new project ideas.  If anyone has a suggestion for projects or ideas please e-mail them to Linda Hooper.  Rita Hutchens will be offering “Totally Tubular Triangles”, on Saturday, July 19th through the Moonlight Quilt Guild. 

Glenda Ross-Opportunity Quilt Tickets:  A sign-up sheet will be going around the room for volunteers for July 6th at the Windsor Show and August 2nd at the Petaluma Show.  Members need to pick up raffle tickets at the library table for this year’s Opportunity Quilts.  Glenda announced that Rhonda Denny has agreed to be her assistant. Thank you, Rhonda.

Lee Trevelyan-Fair Liaison:  Lee needs volunteers to help hang the quilts at the fair on Sunday, July 13th at 9:30 AM.  It is controlled chaos, but lots of fun and a lunch by Pasta King is included.  Volunteers are also needed to demonstrate quilting at the fair.  Please see Lee to sign-up.

Linda Hooper-Friendship Blocks:  The Friendship Block program is looking for more members interested in doing blocks.  Linda showed lots of pretty blocks today that were turned in.

Judith Clarke-Boutique:  The Boutique will be set up at the Windsor Farmers Market and Quilt Show on July 6th.  Judith reminded the membership that boutique items are perfect as  housewarming or hostess gifts.

Tera Antaree-Technique Sharing Workshops:  Today, Linda Morand will be holding a “Fast and Fantastic Baby Quilts” demonstration.  She has great ideas for making baby quilts for the Guild’s community quilts.  Marilyn Swanson and Mitzi Dowling will hold a two part workshop on “Introduction to Hand Quilting” starting on July 17th.  Sign-ups are at the back table.

Mary Wood-Program Chair:  Mary thanked everyone who came to Nancy Brown’s workshop and helped to make it such a great success.  She announced the next two workshops: Rita Hutchens and “Totally Tubular Diamonds” on July 18th, and Linda Schmidt with “Treads at Play” on August 22nd.  Samples for both workshops are located in the back of the room.  Sign-up and help fill these next two workshops.

Lavella Cassinelli-Community Projects:  Lavella told the Guild about the experience of receiving the Jefferson Award and the interview with KPIX reporter Kate Kelly.  To date, she has delivered 627 quilts and is getting ready for another delivery in a couple of weeks.  Lavella encouraged all new members to come meet other members at the 5th Thursday retreats. They are really fun and a good experience working on the Guild’s many projects.  There are kits on each table for sewing tops and the quilts ready for quilting are at the side of the room.

Sharon Fry-Librarian:  If you are not getting e-mail from Sharon a couple of times a week, please e-mail her and let her know.  Likewise, if you wish to be taken off the e-mail list, just e-mail her.  Fons and Porter magazine will give the Guild a discount on member’s yearly subscriptions if turned in as a group.  A check needs to be made out to Sharon Fry.  Please note whether it is a new subscription or renewal and your mailing address. 

Kathy Hannan-Block of the Month:  Kathy showed the Guild a sample of this month’s block called 4th of July” in red, white and blue.

Melissa Trunick-Field Trips:  The bus trip has been arranged for Friday, October 17th for the Pacific International Quilt Festival.  The Guild is still collecting soup labels and box tops; they can be turned into Melissa.
Today is the day members pledged what project they wish to finish in the Works in Progress Challenge.   They have until November 20th to finish their projects and to have their pledge money returned. 
Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and name tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:45 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda Emis, Recording Secretary

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