
Wounded Warrior Holiday Update

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone!!

Another speed run was made to the USMC Wounded Warrior Battalion this
morning. The guys are packing up and getting out of Dodge to be with their
families over the next week or two; by Wednesday the place will be a ghost
town. I had several things to deliver:

Kelli had made four flannel baby blankets which this mindless delivery
person left behind in my craft room on the last trip….they got delivered

The Winnie the Pooh never got folded up – it was immediately packed for home
delivery to a brand new Marine baby!

Both of these were also snatched up – babies are abounding and warm snuggle
blankets are a treasure.

Next we have the quilt that I FORGOT in the bottom of the box…

This one was made by the Material Girls quilt group from Simi Valley. Very
cheery, patriotic and well received.

The next delivery to be described is from Allana W from Malibu. She doesn’t
quilt but supports the Marines in her own way. She scoured stores, looking
for things NOT made elsewhere, but only in the USA. Turns out to be quite a
difficult feat! She sent three boxes filled with goodies. The pink backpack
was filled with a learn to knit kit: yarn, patterns, needles and all
conveniently packaged for a learning knitter. There were three jig saw
puzzles of varying complexity and a box of Pick-Up-Sticks (I remember them
fondly – NO BATTERIES NEEDED). Golden books were found and packages were put
together with cookbooks, utensils, potholders and dishtowels all in neat
presented packs. There were also four sets of hand knit baby blankets with
books, dolls, toys and other useful & fun kidlet things. The Marines loved
the Baby’s First Christmas and the toy truck sets in particular – good
choice and great packaging, Allana.

The final delivery was very special. Mike & Juli T from Phoenix had several
items: a card from all their company staff with wonderful inspirational
messages to the Marines. Juli found a beautiful quilt with a pair of pillow
covers that matched:

Last but DEFINITELY not least were the gift cards they sent. In the package
were the following:
Barnes & Noble: 26 x $10 = $260
Wendy’s: 20 x $10 = $200
Starbucks: 10 x $10 = $100
McDonalds: 28 x $5 = $140
That makes a total of $700. SSgt Maselli’s eyes got really big when he
realized what I just handed him….

Last photo is one of my keeping myself warm. With weight loss I need to
huddle in front of the wood stove a lot….so that’s where my spinning wheel
lives for now with my fanny as close to the heat as I can without catching

First time I’ve used my timer on the camera…..and yes, the wheel was
turning, but the shutter speed was so fast that it froze things. I’m working
on some pretty gray wool from UK to make into a nice sweater. Doggie toys
are strewn on the floor, and one brick fell out of the top of the stove, but
it will have to wait until the stove isn’t hot to evaluate it and all the
other bricks. Look ma – no hat!!

Therese Thomas
Enrolled Agent
Thomas Tax Preparation
30457 Valley Center Rd
Valley Center CA 92082
(760) 751-2542 (home office)
(760) 749-3794 (home)
(760) 860-5301 (fax)
(760) 803-4299 (cell/text) Phone doesn’t ring in the house but texts arrive

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  1. Wounded Warrior Holiday Update | feelbettercard.com Says:

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