
January Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
January 15, 2009

The meeting was called to order by Past President Pam McVey at 10:04 AM.

Twelve guests and one new member were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.

Pam McVey introduced and installed the 2009 board. She then turned the meeting over to 2009 President Linda Hooper.


Representatives from Moonlighters announced the Tri-Guild Luncheon at the First Presbyterian Church in Santa Rosa on Saturday, March 28 at 11 AM. Nicole Cowlin of Material Girl in Windsor will be the keynote speaker. Reservations are being taken.

The Petaluma Quilt Guild will host its annual auction on February 3 at the Petaluma Veterans Building.

Speaker: Guild member Judy Mathieson gave a slide and trunk show.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head presented a short treasurer’s report stating that the Guild income exceeded expenses in 2007, thanks in part to one-time revenue from a fabric sale. The 2009 proposed budget was distributed and discussed at the December meeting. Dotty Zager moved that the budget be accepted and Judith Clarke seconded. The budget passed unanimously.

Committee Reports:

Opportunity Quilts-Glenda Ross: Glenda reminded the membership to pick-up their raffle tickets for the Opportunity Quilts. Each member is asked to sell forty raffle tickets each year. Money can be turned in after the sale of the raffle tickets.

UFO Challenge-Melissa Trunick: Quilters displayed the UFOs they’re pledging $5 to finish by May. If you want to participate, show your UFO at the next couple of meetings and pay Jan Head $5 for each project you pledge to finish.

Membership-Anne Dondero: Membership dues for 2009 are being accepted. Please renew immediately to keep your name on the membership roster. New cards and rosters will be available in February.

Friendship Block-Veline Ball: Veline shared several new blocks. There are openings for several blocks at this time.

Technique Sharing Workshops-Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Tera announced that Betty Upchurch will present a free-motion quilting TSW at the 5th Thursday Quiltathon at 9 AM. There’s a $5 kit fee plus a “pay it forward” payment to complete at least one community quilt to use those new skills.

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Sign-ups are available now for all of the 2009 workshops. Please submit a check when you sign up.

Block of the Month: Kathy Hannan, 2008 committee chair, displayed a community quilt made from 2008 Blocks of the Month. Contact Kathy for additional kits. The drawing for the December 2008 star block will take place later in the meeting.

Incoming co-chairs Linda Ziemer, Rhonda Denny, and Barbara Cortelyou introduced the 2009 Block of the Month program which will be a variety of house and barn blocks with other complementary blocks such as pine trees.

Community Projects-Lavella Cassinelli: Mirna Estes shared thank-yous from recipients of community quilts. Lavella was attending a Jefferson Awards ceremony.

Librarian-Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of brand new and donated books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:17 PM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

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