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Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
January 7, 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:00 a.m.
Linda introduced 3 new members and several guests.

Minutes: Approved as read. Moved: Lavella Cassinelli. Second: DottieZagar. The
motion carried.

The new board officers and committee chairs were introduced.Executive Committee
President Jan Andrews, Vice President Jan Head, Treasurer Phyllis Gallaway, Recording
Secretary Pam Beebe, Corresponding Secretary Lavella Cassinelli, Program Co-Chair
Rhonda Denny & Linda Thomas, Progran Chair Elect Janice Rodgers & Diana Roberts,
Parliamentarian Janice Juul. Standing Committees– Bag Lady Juanita Campbell, Block
of the Month Linda Ziemer, Rhonda Denny, Barbara Cortelyou, Joyce Wood, Boutique
Betty Upchurch, Community Projects Lavella Cassinelli, Fair Liaison Pam McVey, Field
Trips Meilssa Trunick, Finance Phyllis Gallaway, Friendship Blocks Veline Ball,
Historian Sharon Fry, Hospitality Georgiann Morrisey & Carolle LeMonnier, Library
Sharon Fry, Membership Carmen Black, Pam McVey, (Blanche Mansour, backup),
MQSC Liaison Phyllis Gallaway, Newsletter Editor Jan Andrews, NCQC Liaison Janice
Rodgers, Nominating (Parl.) Janice Juul, Opportunity Quilt Glenda Ross, Past President
Linda Hooper, Photographer Kat Stephens, Sunshine Mirna Estes, TSW Tera Antaree
and Website Jan Head. The meeting was then conducted by new President Jan Andrews
Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported that an anonymous donation of $700 was received for Community Quilts, plus a matching donation from an employer.

Announcements: The Sewing & Vacuum Place is holding a Quilter’s Dream Retreat
with Eleanor Burns March 12-14.

Phyllis Gallaway– MQSG will be having a round robin at their next regular meeting,
with nine teachers doing 15 minute workshops.

EBHQ Opportunity Quilt tickets on sale; their show will be Apr. 10-11.

Melissa Trunick needs help organizing the PIQF bus trips. The UFO Challenge will end
May 20th. The Sewing Room Clean Out will have monthly goals; the first will be to
return all Library items. Each item returned will earnone ticket toward a drawing.

Jan Andrews presented Linda Hooper with a large basket of fabric as her President’s gift.

Cloverdale Citrus Fair is Feb. 12– 15th. The theme is “Salute to the Military.”

Linda Hooper asked for sign-ups for table hostesses for the Tri-Guild Luncheon Mar. 6th. Also needed are Asian (handleless) teacups.

Pat Meiswinkle– there are kits for the Bag Along Project.

Committee Reports:
Block of the Month– Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer & Barbara Cortelyou: The Almost
Amish block for Jan. is on the web. Winnersof BOM: Dec.– Rhonda Denny; Jan.–
Barbara Cortelyou.

Community Projects: Lavella Cassinelli:donated 1,604 quilts last year. The guild
received donations from S. R. Rotary East ($500) and fromKenwood Yacht Club
Friendship Blocks:Veline showed 3 blocks.
Librarian–Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.
Membership– Carmen Black and Pam McVey would like to have members greet new
members and show them around.
Newsletter: Jan Andrews encouraged members to please pick up their copy of the
newsletter so it doesn’t have to be mailed, better yet, read the letter online.
Opportunity Quilt: Glenda Ross & Rhonda Denny– The Home Show will be Mar. 20th,
need volunteers to sell tickets for the Opportunity Quilt.
TSW: Tera Antaree– Jan. 21st Jan Head will teach how to make flat borders and how to prepare quilts for long-arm quilting.
Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:30p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Beebe
Recording Secretary

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