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Oopsie! by Rhonda Denny

Oopsie! Opportunity: How I fell into the quilt rack(et)

Approximately two years ago I was asked if I might help Glenda R. with the Opportunity Quilt. Not knowing what this meant, I said Yes. Glenda and I had a quick pow-wow over the phone. She let me know that she could use new venues to show the quilt(s) and sell raffle tickets. Having recently been a small business owner, I had a few connections and ideas so after a couple of days of recon I let Glenda know about the farmer’s markets and other fund-raising events for non-profits.

I finished the conversation with, “Let me know what else I can do to help”, thinking surely she would holler. Well, she didn’t holler and I didn’t ask – and the better part of a year went by. One day, I had occasion to talk with Sharon “the Librarian” Fry.

She said, “remember way back when… We talked about you assisting Glenda with the Op Quilt?”

Swallowing hard, I said, “Ummmm…yes…”

“What ever happened with that?”

I shrugged, “Um mmm mm. I thought she would let me know what she needed…”

You may have noticed I am now the Opportunity Quilt Raffle Ticket Sales Associate at every meeting fore and aft. As it happens, when someone is there to take the money sales improve immediately. I enjoy – very much – the time I spend with the quilt at the meetings, fairs, home shows, and so on. At this year’s home show, I get to bunk with Judith C. She has a heart I can only aspire to.

I have waited until the last minute to buy my tickets. I did that last year, too. We all know what happened then. My very own sweet baby girl of 27 years, Jacqui, won the art quilt! We only have until April 15th to rein in possibly the biggest fund-raiser of the year. Betty Upchurch and her mini group, You Snooze You Loose, have made a spectacular quilt for the 2010-2011 year. I can’t wait to see it but in the interim we only have a few more meetings to kick the pants off You Snooze You Loose.

Glenda is a super-trooper taking our quilt hither, tither, and yon and always with a lovely smile. Glenda Ross…you are a Rockstar!

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