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Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Regular Meeting
April 1, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President Jan Andrews at 10:00AM
Our new affiliate Broadway Quilts on Broadway in Sonoma was announced by Jerri, the
owner. Her store will open in mid-April. Kathy Martin will do long-arm quilting.
Old Business: Mirna Estes made a motion that merit award recipients be given a choice between1 year free membership dues or the traditional gold charm. Dotty Zagar seconded. Motion carried.
Dorothy Murray made a motion that $500. Be spent on a new storage cabinet. Dotty Z. seconded. Motion carried.
A get-well card for Jim Wylie of Parkside Sewing was passed around for members to
sign. He is having eye surgery.
Melissa Trunick read a letter of thanks from the Homeless Shelter.
Jan A. announced that the American Breast Cancer Assoc. is requesting quilt blocks. If anyone is interested, see Jan.
Dotty Zagar recommended the Rare Rock Mosaic Museum on Coffey Lane. Free
This year’s quilt challenge is “It’s All About Color”. The quilt should be
monochromatic, but can have one color as a “zinger” and a neutral background. Entries will be due Sept. 16.
Treasurers Report: Phyllis Gallaway reported a positive balance for March.
The guild will reimburse for mileage at the IRS rate of $.14/mile or actual expense.
Printing/copying at $.03 for black/white,$.05 for color.
The Guild has received an unspecified anonymous donation of $200.
Committee Reports:
Programs & Workshops– Rhonda Denny announced there will be a UFO workshop
April 16 at LBA&GC. She also showed her wonderful quilt “Running Wo-man”.
Linda Thomas said the speaker for May will be Laura Wasilawsky. The speaker for June will be Jane Sassman. MQSC liaison mentioned Laura will also teachon Sat.
Opportunity Quilt– Glenda reminded everyone to buy and turn in raffle tickets. Last
Newsletter– Pat requested that members pick up copies of the newsletter so they don’t have to be mailed (better yet, read the newsletter on-line.)
TSW– Tera reminded us the Mystery Quilt would be held after today’s meeting.
Judi Mathieson will teach English paper piecing in June. The only supplies needed are
needle, thread and scissors.
June 1, Rhonda will teach how to make her Knot Dollies.
Tera inquired if there was any interest in an EG TSW. Phyllis mentioned she is putting
together a workshop on EQ.
Friendship Blocks– Sharon Mills showed blocks that had been turned in for Leslie Ary,
Joyce Woods and Sharon .
BOM- Joanie Bellinghausen won the drawing for the March blocks. The block for April
is Ohio Star.
Moonlight Quilters Show– Joanie B. reminded members to turn in their entries for the
show. Sue Gray and Carol Jarvis asked for volunteers for the show and for the boutique.
Library– Sharon Fry introduced several new books and magazines.
The treasurer announced we made $1,144. profit from the Tri-Guild Luncheon.
Meg Dawson from VOMCH gave a brief talk about how much our quilts mean to the
children. There were 100 quilts presented to her at the meeting.
Betty Upchurch’s friend Myrl from the Phillipines talked about her quilting business and showed her amazing quilts.
After Show and Tell and raffle drawings, the meeting was adjourned at 12:03PM
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Beebe
Recording Secretary

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