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Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
March 6, 2008
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM.
Pam welcomed and introduced 3 new members to the Guild.
MINUTES:  The February minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail and posted on the blog. Doris Maneke moved that the minutes be accepted. Dotty Zagar seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Please see Jan Head for details of the February financial report.
The Board decided to request that the general membership allow the Guild to hire a CPA firm to do the State and Federal tax returns each year. A unanimous vote was held.   If any member has a recommendation for a CPA, please talk to Jan.
ANNOUNEMENTS: The Pointless Sisters are having an exhibit of 35 quilts at the Rincon Valley Library March 4th through May 5th. Brochures of the artists and their quilts are available in the back of the room.
East Bay Heritage Quilters Show “Voices in Cloth” will be held April 12th and 13th at the Oakland Convention Center. One of the featured artists at the show will be Jennifer Chiaverni, author of the ”Elm Creek” novels.
June Moes told the membership about an exhibit being held at the Santa Rosa Junior College Doyle Library displaying quilts by Virginia Harris. The exhibit lasts the entire month of March.   Virginia will be speaking on Monday, March 10th at 12:15 PM in the Newman Auditorium. 
Anne Dondero – Membership: Membership cards and 2008 rosters are now available at the membership table. Anne thanked Jan Andrews for all the help with the roster.
Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt Tickets: Glenda has free passes for the upcoming Home Show for volunteers who signed-up to sell tickets for the Opportunity Quilts. 
Lavella Cassinelli – Community Projects: Lavella showed a red and white Double Wedding Ring quilt that has been donated to the Wounded Warrior project. This quilt is so delicate that she has decided to raffle it since it is too fragile for the constant washing. Susan Silvey will be selling the raffle tickets. The money collected from the raffle will be used to purchase fabric for the community projects.
So far this year, Lavella has delivered 310 quilts to various community projects. Two quilts were delivered to a Bennett Valley mother and her toddler who were carjacked earlier this year. Lavella has also placed packets of quilt tops for the preemies on the tables so that we can work on them May 1st at the next Quilt-A-Thon. 
Mary Wood – Program Chair: This month’s workshop with Mary Mashuta is full. If a member still wishes to attend, please sign the waiting list. If someone drops out at the last minute they will not get a refund unless their spot can be replaced.
Mary showed a quilt for the April workshop “Interlocking Triads” by Marilyn Doheny. This workshop has a change of venue and will now be held at the Veterans Memorial Building. Phyllis Gallaway stated “This quilt works well if you pick really ugly fabric”.
Phyllis Gallaway – MQSC Liaison: Phyllis has placed volunteer and entry forms on each table today for the Moonlight Quilt Show June 5-8. A photograph needs to be supplied with each entry form. More forms can be downloaded from the SRQG website as well as the MQSC site. A special exhibit will be devoted to Laura Burch. If you have any items that will honor Laura please submit a form and photograph. 
MQSC is opening the March 22nd workshop titled “Paper-Pieced Calendar Wall Hanging” by Nancy Tiffany to anyone in the Guild who would like to sign-up. See Phyllis Gallaway.
Jan Andrews – Sew-A-Row: Jan showed the 5 Sew-A-Rows that need sign-ups.
Pam Beebe – Boutique: Pam displayed an embellished, fully-lined little girl’s dress size 3-4 that is selling in the Boutique. After each meeting, Pam will be having a sewing bee somewhere in the room for the making of boutique items. With the upcoming Moonlight Quilt Show in June, we need to get ready for the booth. So bring your sewing machines (or there will be lots of hand sewing as well) and help make items for the boutique.
Linda Hooper – Friendship Blocks: There are 4 different blocks available in the program at this time.
Tera Antaree – Technique Sharing Workshops:  Today’s workshop will be the ever popular Mystery Quilt with Melissa Trunick. Jan Head will be offering a workshop called “How to Prepare Your Quilt for Machine Quilting” at the March 20th program meeting.
Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month: March’s Block of the Month is “Chain Star” in yellows and purples.   At the next meeting please turn in your “Nickel” fabrics 5” pre-washed squares.
Pam provided entertainment in the form of a soft shoe while waiting for Kathy to change hats. Good Job Pam, we will sign you up for Dancing with the Stars.
The 2008 Challenge Quilt Committee (consisting of Kathy Hannan, Joan Bellinghausen and Carolle LeMonnier) announced that the theme of this year’s challenge is “Freedom of Choice”. The only requirement for this year’s challenge quilt is that it must contain the 2 words: “Vote and 2008”. The committee has a handout and will also have information on the website.
Sharon Fry – Librarian: Sharon requested that members not receiving e-mails from the Guild should e-mail her with their e-mail address and name so that she can add them to the list.
Sharon introduced 2 new books along with many donated ones to the library.
Mellissa Trunick – Field Trips/ UFO: Mellissa explained the rules for the upcoming Sewing Room Sale April 3rd. She also reminded the members that their UFO projects are due May 15th
Melissa showed us some of her ideas to help us organize our sewing room. 
Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and name tag drawings.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:20 AM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis, Recording Secretary

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