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Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
November 5, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:01 AM.

Linda Hooper introduced several guests.

Minutes: There were two corrections to the October 1 minutes: 1) Janice Rodgers and Diana Roberts were listed as tentative nominations as 2010 Program Chairs Elect. They have accepted the nomination. 2) A clarification that the new stamps for the labels for the community quilts were paid for by Marilyn Swanson as a gift to the Guild. The design was crafted by Linda Morand’s son Andre and Linda did the “legwork”. It was a cooperative effort!

Dotty Zagar moved to accept the September minutes as amended. Lee Trevelyan seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported a positive cash flow.

Election of the Slate of Officers for the Year 2010: Parliamentarian Janice Juul read the slate of nominees for the 2010 election of officers. President Linda Hooper declared the slate elected by acclamation. It was approved by the membership. Thanks go to the Nominating Committee of Judith Clarke, Anne Dondero, Linda Emis, Jan Head, Earlene Maffioli and Janice Juul.

Our new officers for 2010 will be:
President: Jan Andrews
Vice President: Jan Head
Treasurer: Phyllis Gallaway
Corresponding Secretary: Lavella Cassinelli
Recording Secretary: Cathy Rapp
Program Chairs: Rhonda Denny and Linda Thomas
Program Chair Elect: Janice Rodgers and Diana Roberts
Parliamentarian: Janice Juul


Moonlight Quilters liaison Phyllis Gallaway announced that the guild is holding an “Affiliate Night” on November 18 and everyone is invited.

There will be a whole cloth quilting class on November 17 at Material Girl.

Marilyn Swanson announced that there will be an Amish quilt show at the de Young Museum from November 13, 2009 through June 6, 2010.

New Business:

Linda Hooper announced that there will be a holiday gift exchange at the December 3 meeting. Gifts should be about $15 and be wrapped. The giver is asked to include their name inside the gift so that the receiver will know who to thank. It was suggested that the gift be related to quilting and can be handmade.

Sharon Oman had Party Lite items for sale as a Guild fundraiser.

Jan Andrews asked for a volunteer to chair Hospitality in 2010. Food at regular meetings (not Founder’s Day or holiday meetings, for example) would be limited to only finger foods and beverages to supplement a member’s brown bag lunch. Dessert should be cookies. No salads or hot dishes. Each member would be responsible for refrigerating their item and then placing it on the food table at lunch time. This will ease kitchen time for hospitality volunteers. Members are encouraged to “go green” and bring their own plate, cup and utensils. This would begin in 2010 and participation would be voluntary.

Committee Reports:

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: Rhonda and Barbara introduced the house block, which is the next block for “Create a Village.”

Boutique – Betty Upchurch: Betty presented beautiful items for sale and a lovely wall hanging for raffle.

Bulb Sales – Justine Lott: Justine announced that bulb sales have raised $202.50.

Community Projects – Lavella Cassinelli: Lavella thanked those who attended the last Quiltathon and the 5th Thursday gathering for all their hard work. She announced that 50 quilts were quilted. To date, 1238 quilts and 468 hats have been delivered.

Librarian – Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.

Membership – Anne Dondero and Pam Brown: Anne announced that it’s officially membership renewal time. Please verify your information as listed in the 2009 roster. Only renewing members who need to update information need to complete a membership form. Dues are $30 in cash or check.

Newsletter – Jan Andrews: Jan announced that a combined November/December newsletter will be coming out in early December. The Newsletter will transition back to the first of the month.

Opportunity Quilt – Glenda Ross and Rhonda Denny: Rhonda will be selling tickets until 10 minutes after the meeting.

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: The last two workshops for 2009 were introduced. Incoming co-chairs Linda Thomas and Rhonda Denny announced the first workshop for 2010.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: A card is being routed for a member who is ill.

TSW – Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis described the last two TSWs for 2009 and reminded members to sign up early.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:12 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janice Juul for Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

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