
Archive for March, 2008

Programs and Workshops

Friday, March 28th, 2008

Dear Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Members: Thank you so much for your support of the Workshops and Programs this year.  We’ve had outstanding  numbers attend the Programs, and the Workshops for the past three months have been full….and the workshop for April is almost filled (4 spaces left).  Thanks to Denise Raney for planning such a […]

F I B E R M A G G I E ‘ S C L O S E T

Friday, March 28th, 2008

 FIBERMAGGIE’S CLOSETSpring 2008  April/May/June Welcome to F I B E R M A G G I E ‘ S   C L O S E T, an eclectic, oftenoverflowing resource made of threads and swatches of information for fiberart enthusiasts. FM’C is published quarterly by Joy-Lily to inform you andto announce my classes and workshops. Please […]

Ricky Tims

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

For all those people who missed Ricky on T.V.  Fran sent me a link to the CBS morning news program which highlighted Ricky.  Click on video, "Quilts for Sale" and endure a moment of commercial by Blackberry and you’re there!    http://www.cbsnews.com/sections/sunday/main3445.shtml    Thanks, Marilyn

Request for Quilts

Monday, March 17th, 2008

I am a children’s choir director who is putting on a performance featuring the story "The Quiltmaker’s Gift" on April 11th at 7pm at the Sebastopol Community Center Main Hall, and wondered if any quilters from your guild would be interested in displaying their quilts on stage that night.  Anyone interested should call me at […]

Community Smart Card

Saturday, March 8th, 2008

The link below is a list of the local merchants participating in the Community Smart Card Program. Members who present their cards when making a purchase the merchants will make a donation to the guild.  There is no added cost to the member. Anyone needing a card can contact me. List of Participating Merchants Thanks,Linda […]

Wounded Warrior Quilts

Friday, March 7th, 2008

This is a note from Therese and pictures of the quilts I sent to the WWB.Lavella "Therese Thomas, EA"This one will be a quickie!!  Went to WWB yesterday to prepare income taxes again and lo and behold, a box of quilts had arrived during the week.  They were from the glorious ladies from the Santa […]

Business Meeting Minutes

Friday, March 7th, 2008

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Business Meeting March 6, 2008     President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:02 AM.   Pam welcomed and introduced 3 new members to the Guild.   MINUTES:  The February minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail and posted on the blog. Doris Maneke moved that the minutes be […]

Russian Art Cakes

Sunday, March 2nd, 2008

Art Cakes From Russia Sharon Fry came across these pictures of incredibly decorated art cakes from Russia.  Yes! The old singer sewing machine to your left is an actual cake completely edible. The rest of these stunning Art Cake pictures, which include a castle, a treasure chest, the Eiffel Tower, a beautiful gold scorpion, and […]