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Rollin’ Rhonda Reports – Sherry Werum, “Mosaics & Motifs Table Runner”

Phyllis picked me up at 8:30. The rain was falling and the wind was blowing and the sky was dark. Like a well-oiled machine, Mark and Phyllis were a choreographed team. Before I knew it my ride and supplies were secure, my buns were being warmed in the comfy seat of Phyllis’ car, and we were on our way to Sherry Werum’s workshop at LBA&GC.*
Before I get started on the faboo workshop (a new favorite) -’Mosaics and Motifs Table Runner’ with this really neat weaving technique -I want to give “props” (proper respect) to our northern contingent Madame Morrissey, our “Lady Carolle Lemonade” from Cloverdale, and Lori Platt from Redwood Valley for braving the elements to be with us on this very wet and blustery day. Sherry’s worth the journey. The workshop was, imho, AWESOME! As is usually the case we learned from each other, too. A day well spent whatever the weather.
When we arrived the room was warm. Our P&W mavens Linda H, Linda Z, and Barbara C had the room set up and ready to rock. I tried three different seats. I felt a little like Goldilocks, eventually ending up in the perfect place. Lady Hooper, having finished her portion of the program, left us in the very capable, warm, and soft wings of our Mama Hens, Linda Z and Barbara C. We were checked on and doted over and when things went askew they were on it. Ask Chris about bloody fingers.
Sherry called us together for an overview of the project then sent us on our way to identify the parts and pieces to the kits and required materials. In some ways this was the hardest part for me. Fortunately, one of Sherry’s tips is to identify parts with little sticky notes (which she supplied). She was very good about assisting and supplying needs. I found that the students who made their own kits were much more familiar and were ahead of the class in just about every phase. The kit I selected came in creams and greens and blues that blend together, making the tumbling blocks “blendy.” Georgiann had an amazing contrast (that makes me want to make this project again) batiks in brown, lavender, and burgundy…stunning!
Sherry shared with us her preferred method of applique. Finally, I found a method I feel adept in. Linda Thomas shared this during one of our Rosehips mini group meetings. In retrospect, Linda had put together the exact same glue stick scenario that Sherry was using. So, nearly a year ago, my applique could have improved overnight had I just made Linda’s well-planned block. The glue stick made all the difference. No more burned fingertips trying to finish the edges with my hot-flash-inducing iron. Once the applique was gently glued it was allowed to dry while the weaving portion of the project began.
Sherry had excellent templates and good instructions. With a wee tutorial from Phyllis on finding 30 degrees, I was on my way. Chris N, Eva C, and I were short on the required straight pins (100) for this tumbling block pattern, but Sherry had plenty. Sometimes the workshop was dead quiet while we focused – ‘over one, under two’ – and other times we would burst into conversation. One very interesting development, Janice R was redressing the ironing boards in a cover of matte-silver, sticky- back Teflon over a foam pad (with a one year guarantee) when Sherry came by saying, “Hey, that’s the ironing board cover I use!”, and gave it rave reviews. I go through ironing board covers several times a year. This new cover is a good, better, best thing.
Sherry helped me with some weaving issues and kept me on track. It seemed as if in a blink of an eye it was 3:10. My ride was 15 minutes away and I still had 100 things to do (including getting Sherry back her pins). Barbara toted my heavy bag and machine into the kitchen. I said my good byes, went into the kitchen to exit the back door, and encountered water flowing in. The deluge of rain was more than the troubled drain just outside the door could handle. Linda Z grabbed up P&W’s Pink Binder to find the emergency contact number. I put a black plastic bag over my head to act as raincoat. When I left at 3:30 the room was still packed with working students, a sign of a very good workshop. We have the building until 4:00, after all…
On a personal note, I want to thank SRQG for life-changing positive influences such as workshops and relationships and over-the-top generosity. Thank you, good people, for the personal enrichment, freely given and so gratefully received.

Rollin Rho

*LBA&GC: Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center on Hoen Ave
IMHO: In my humble opinion
P&W: Programs and Workshops
Pink Binder: Job descriptions and instructions to perform one’s duties.

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