
OPPORTUNITY QUILT – Time is running out for 2012 tickets…

I encourage all members who haven’t yet picked up their tickets for the Opportunity Quilt to do so at the next meeting. The first meeting in April.

This gives me time to go through them to make sure you have filled out all of your stubs. If you miss any I fill them out for you.
Yes, I do that if I have time. Will have time next meeting, but not the one after.
I also check to see that the tickets are separated, not stuck together. If they stick you get less chances.

So — get your tickets next time and then you can sit back and enjoy the speaker at the following meeting without having to worry about rushing to get tickets at the last minute.
Makes it easier for us to not have to worry on your behalf.

glenda and Marguerite

And a P. S. from Sharon ‘the Librarian’ Fry — for newer members especially ~~~ each guild member is encouraged to purchase at least $20 worth of opportunity quilt tickets. You may write your own name on them, or you might wish to give them to friends, or sell them. Believe it or not, our dues does not cover our budget (rent, speakers, etc.) so this is really important for everyone to step up. The drawing for this lovely quilt is after the guild meeting on Thursday, April 19.

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