

Do you know of someone in our Guild who has gone above and beyond the call of duty and deserves to be recognized? If so, we have two ways of doing that.

To qualify for the HONORARY LIFE MEMBER award a nominee must have been a Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Member for at least five years, served a full term in at least one elected position (President, Vice President, Program Chair, Program Chair-Elect, Corresponding Secretary, Recording Secretary, Treasurer, Parliamentarian); served at least one additional year in the position of elected office or as a committee chair; plus participate in continued outstanding service to the Guild. Only one HONORARY LIFE MEMBER award may be given in a year, and in many years no award is presented.
The HONORARY LIFE MEMBER recipient receives a Certificate of Recognition and is exempt from dues for life. To date, fifteen Members have received this award (Gene Isaacs, Joyce Gross, Katie Alix, Dotty Zagar, Marjorie Crist, Lois Stephens, Sharon Fry, Elizabeth Marrs, Lee Trevelyan, Norma Vieglienzone, Betty Upchurch, Phyllis Gallaway, and Jan Andrews, Linda Hooper, and Lavella Cassinelli).

The second type of award is the MERIT AWARD. This acknowledges an especially dedicated amount of time and expertise given to a particular project beneficial to the Guild. The nominee must have been a Santa Rosa Quilt Guild Member for at least two years. The recipient receives a choice of an engraved disc or a free year of membership, plus a Certificate of Recognition. One or more MERIT AWARDS may be presented in a year, and in many years no award is presented. A Member may receive more than one MERIT AWARD. To date Merit Awards have been presented to: Sharon Fry, Melissa Trunick, Linda Morand, Marilyn Swanson, Lavella Cassinelli, Mary Wood, Gerrie Congdon, Lynn Williams, Phyllis Gallaway, Linda Sims, Angie Kiker, Bob Oliver, Betty Upchurch, Diana Roberts, Pam McVey, Betty Upchurch, and Glenda Ross, Anne Dondero, Pam Brown, Karen Boscolo (and for the Library Crew: Sandra McConnell, Justine Lott, Mary Wood, Glenda Ross, Joy McGoran, Lynne Atkinson, Joanie Bellinghausen, and Rose Marie Lara).

I am attaching copies of both types of Nomination Forms to this email for you to print out, or you may email me and ask me to print a form for you. The forms must be filled out completely and accurately, and accompanied by at least 24 signatures of currently paid Members. Forms must be in the hands of Sharon Fry by l:00 p. m. on Thursday, June 21, 2012.

Awards are presented at our Founders’ Day Celebration, the third Thursday in September.
These awards are a wonderful way to thank Members for their extraordinary service to the Guild. Please let me know if you have questions.
Sharon Fry
Nomination Forms for: Honorary Life Member and Merit Award

The referenced forms are also available under the forms menu on the Home Page.

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