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Amendment to SRQG Bylaws passed June 7th 2012

At the June 7th 2012 Board meeting, the members of the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild approved the following amendment of the Bylaws, requesting that the term limits for elected officers be increased from 2 terms to 3 terms:
Please correct your personal copy as well as any committee copies of your by-laws in ARTICLE VI Election of Officers Section C. Tenure to read as follows:
Article VI, Section C
“Tenure No officer may be elected for more than 2 3 consecutive terms in the same office.”

The following is an explanation of the by-law change.
Explanation: The elected officers are: President, Vice-President, Program Chair, Program Chair-Elect, Recording Secretary, Corresponding Secretary, Treasurer, and Parliamentarian. Term limits are still a beneficial practice, as they prevent any single prevailing attitude from becoming entrenched. However, in the case of the lengthy learning curve for Treasurer, and the difficulty with filling the position, a third consecutive term would be an advantage for the Guild. The Executive Board could identify no downside to this moderate change in term limits. As with the 2-term limit, there is no obligation on the part of any elected officer to remain in position for more than a single term.
Janice Juul
2012 President
Santa Rosa Quilt Guild

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