
Bulls Eye Quilt

Sharon Fry shares her expertise on how to make a very simple Bulls Eye Quilt.
The video is in three parts.
Part One: Sharon introduces the Bulls Eye quilt and talks about the various construction methods.
Part Two: Sharon explains step by step how to make the Bulls Eye block.
Part Three: Sharon shows a variety of Bulls Eye Quilt projects and gives many ideas on how to use your Bulls Eye blocks.

one 9-inch square (the base fabric — in the video I used a blue)
one 8-inch (in the video a red is used)
one 6-inch square (a blue is used in the video)
one 4-inch square (in the video, a red is used)

One Response to “Bulls Eye Quilt”

  1. Cathy Hansen Says:

    Hi Sharon
    I was disappointed to miss your in person bull’s eye, and was delighted to see your video.
    I love the pattern and new way to do trickey circles.The video is a great idea for people who can’t be there or need a refresher.
    Thanks for the thorough explanation of how-to.
    Cathy Hansen

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