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The Blog

Comments on the Blog

Sharon Fry suggested I write a short tutorial here because some of you may not know how to post a Comment here on the Blog site.  I hope this helps.

 In order to post a Comment to a message posted on the website Blog, you must first be on the actual website and at the Blog. You cannot post a Comment from your email notification from Feedlitz if you receive such notifications

The Blog was set up as part of our new updated website in March 2006 so members of the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild could share and exchange information regarding a wide variety of topics online. The Blog gives members the opportunity to post messages and have ongoing Comments while interacting with other members who are also using the Blog. When you visit the Blog you will see messages posted by me from other members or myself.

If you want something posted to the Blog, please forward it to me directly. You cannot post your own message directly to the Blog. It was set up this way for security reasons.

Under each message posted to the Blog down under the last sentence it will give the Catagory first: Like Guild News/ —and then it will have the wording "No Comments" or in the case of the currant topic of "Comfort Food" it will say "4 Comments". (Some of us have been chatting about the recipe posted here.)

Any member can post a Comment, at any time. Comments do not have to be sent to me.  Only the original postings.

So, if there is a topic of discussion posted here that you wish to Comment on…..just mouse click on the wording : Comments. 

 A new page will appear that says: Leave a Reply.  It will ask for your name, your email address, and if you have a website you can fill that section in. If you don’t, leave it blank. Below those sections is rectangular blank area. This is where you can start writing your Comment. Mouse click in that rectangular area—and start typing. When you are finished scroll down under the section you just wrote in, and click on the "Submit Comment" box.

After you have clicked on "Submit Comment" you can leave the page. When you return to the Blog and look at the original message you will notice that it now says: 1 Comment.  Or however many Comments were posted by individual members.

If you want to read Comments. Just mouse click on the 1 Comment, or however many it says…and the page will open to reveal all the Comments that were posted. You can then post another Comment or Reply to a Comment already made.

This is often referred to on the internet as "Chatting". Chatting on a Group Forum or Commenting on a Blog entry essentially work in the same way. 

I hope this  tutorial helps. If you need more information, I have hand-outs for anyone who needs more information, or contact me via email to ask questions.

SRQG Webby

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