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Show and Tell Pictures

All the April Show n’ Tell pictures are now available on the Website! I was away at a quilting retreat and missed the first meeting in April, so I’m  late this month updating the pictures. I had fun at the retreat, and from seeing all the Show n’ Tell images–all of you were having fun too! Great pictures! Wonderful Quilts!

 Sorry, I’m missing some pictures, and also some of the members names that go with the pictures. If you know a name that goes with a picture please email me with this information so I can make the correction. Thank you everyone for sharing your wonderful  projects! Enjoy!

PS. Since I uploaded the pictures late-late last night,  I may have missed the Feedblitz deadline for sending out notification. So, for those of you that visit the Blog daily (thank-you!)—you get to see the Opportunity Quilt Winners first! Isn’t it wonderful that the winners are local!


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