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Needed: Laptop for SRQG Membership

We were just thinking how so much of the business of living is now online, or at least on disc, and how enabling all of it is when we know how to make use of it.  Then we got to thinking how absolutely fabulous it would be to retire the old file card system used by Membership for 30 years.  It was once the only tool available to anyone who needed to maintain things such as membership histories.  Mind you, we would never throw away our heap of 3 x 5s.  It just might be that some guild member would want to make a copied-to-fabric collage wallhanging for a fund raising raffle.
So next our minds got to reorganizing quite a bit of what the Membership Committee must accomplish, not just at renewal time or when a new member joins, but throughout all 12 months, without fail, in a timely manner, preferably with no errors.  We know that the committee could make great use of a laptop computer.  We hope that putting this request out there will turn up someone who has been looking for a good excuse to pass along their laptop (in good repair) to make room for a new one.   Or we would graciously accept a brand new laptop if you know of an organization or business that would like to make such a donation.  Feel free to put the word out for us, and thanks.

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