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Off Topic: Fiesta Ware Utensil Marks

Completely off the topic of quilting—which is fine here too. :o)  So chime in anytime with hints & tips on other subjects.

 I have been threatening to replace all my Fiesta Ware dinner plates due to all the dark scratches on the surfaces from utensils,  (cutting knives, forks, etc.)  I have tried hand scubbing with various products–with minimal results.  But, this morning I did a search on Google about this problem—-I guess Fiesta Ware and Phaltzgraft dishes are notorious for retaining utensil marks— there were a lot of tips on this common problem and I found the best solution yet was——!

"Bar Keepers Friend" cleanser and polish on a nylon scouring pad!  Oh-My-Gosh!  All the marks are gone,  and the plates look shiny new! Wow! this stuff is great! 


3 Responses to “Off Topic: Fiesta Ware Utensil Marks”

  1. Pam McVey Says:

    Thanks for the tip, Angie. I’m sure I can find a use for “Bar Keepers’ Friend”. Where did you find it?

  2. Administrator Says:

    I found this product at my local Ace hardware, but have also seen it at Raley’s in the cleanser aisle along with the other cleanser (like Comet in the shaker can). I can get some for you. It works great in the kitchen sink, bathroom sink, tub—I’ve been busy! :o)

  3. Barbara Cortelyou Says:

    Angie I use this on my ceramic stove top and it works well and is very inexpensive. I buy mine at Safeway.

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