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July 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
July 5, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The June minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Lavella Cassinelli moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Marilyn Altenbach seconded.  Accepted..  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details..




Lee Trevelyan announced that she has the passes for the fair for those who have volunteered to do the demonstrations.  Lee shared what is involved in demonstrating at the fair.  Everything you need will be there.  If you want to bring your own project to work on, you are welcome to do so.  Volunteers are still needed.

Shirley Young announced that her neighbor has a feather weight machine he would like to sell.  More information will be on the blog.

Lynn Williams announced that the Grapevine Quilters Guild in Ukiah is putting on a non-judged show in September.  Please see Lynn for more details.

Jan Andrews is still selling tickets for the antique quilt.  The drawing will be next meeting.  All proceeds will go to the community quilts.

Betty Upchurch reported the status of the Relay for Life that she is participating in on July 28 and 29.  All the money that is raised stays in the community.  She thanked everyone for their support.

Committee Reports

Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt Sales: Glenda has packages of tickets for the new opportunity quilts in the back with each members name on them.  Each member is encouraged to sell or buy $20. worth of tickets.  Please pick up your tickets today.  If you are unable to take your tickets today, please let Glenda know so she can plan how many tickets are available for sale at other events.

The Petaluma show will be coming up on August 11.  She will be asking for volunteers to sell tickets at that show.  She has been told by the ladies putting on the show that the quilts will be hung inside this year.

Pat Marabella – Newsletter Distribution: Pat asked each member that receives a hard copy of the newsletter to please pick up their copy at the membership table. She also asked for volunteers to deliver the newsletters to our associates.

Basting: Two members have requested help with basting their quilt.  There will be a basting following the meeting. 

Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the upcoming programs and workshop.  The July and August workshops will be technique workshops.  In July, Debbie Caffrey will teach you how to use all those rulers you have collected and can’t remember what they were suppose to do. In August Sharyn Craig will be doing Innovative Sets.  All blocks are not created equal. She will show you innovative ways to work with those blocks that are not quite equal. The first twenty people in the workshop are invited to bring their blocks and get some suggestions on how to set them.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper showed friendship blocks that had been turned in.  She still has room for a few more signups. Linda introduced a new block for Virginia Hudak.  Please see Linda if you would like to sign up.

Norma show some of the blocks that had been turned in for Vandy.  Dead line for those blocks is next meeting.

Holly Palma – TSW:  Today, Betty Upchurch will do a scarecrow wall hanging. The August 2 TWS will be announced later. On September 6, Kathy Hannan will be doing paper piecing.  This will also be the block of the month.

Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli reported that to date, she has delivered over 500 quilts. Following the workshop two weeks ago, 28 quilts were quilted.  She is gathering tops and getting them ready for the October quilt-a-thon. Lavella thanked everyone for their support of our community quilts.

Barbara Courtelyou – Hospitality: Barbara asked for volunteers to bring refreshments for the next meeting.  She reminded members of the guideline to bring something the month of your birthday and six month from your birthday.  She thanked everyone for their support in bringing refreshments.

Tara Antaree – Boutique –The boutique items were at the Windsor show over the week end.  Thanks  Judith.  The boutique is set up and ready for sales.  She encouraged everyone to stop by and support the boutique.

Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month:  Kathy introduced the new block of the month, Milky Way Star, which is due August 2.  Directions are on the web or at the back table.  If you have any questions about the blocks, please don’t hesitate to call Kathy or Justine.

Jan Andrews – Sew-A-Row:  Jan has a couple packets ready to go out and needs someone to sign up to add the next row.

Melissa Trunick – WIP:  Melissa announced that the WIP (works in progress) will start at the next meeting.  She explained the program.

PIQF:  Melissa announced that the show is bigger and better this year.  More information regarding the bus trip will follow.

Sharon Fry – Opportunity Quilt:  Sharon Mills and Sharon Fry are co-charring the new opportunity quilt.  Strip sets are due at the next meeting.  If you make two strip sets, you will receive credit for one friendship block.  Please see Sharon if you have any questions.

Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines.  Please remember to sign out the book before you take it.  Also, if there is a reserve slip on the book, please remove it from the book and put it on the card.  That will help them in tracking the books.

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:20AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

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