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SRQG August 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
August 2, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The June minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Janet Shore moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Norma Viglienzone seconded.  Accepted..  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details..


NEW BUSINESS:  The Founder’s Day Luncheon will September 20, 2007.  We need a committee to coordinate the food.  We have invited all the winners from the fair.  If you are willing to help with the Founder’s Day Luncheon, please see Pam McVey.

WIP (Works in Progress)  Melissa Trunick introduced the new challenge.  Members will have until the third week in November (November 15, 2007) to finish their project.  Members showed their WIP’s and pledged their money.


Fair: Pam McVey thanked everyone for working at the fair and announced the winners from the fair. Congratulations to all the winners.

Phyllis Gallaway announced that a woman came up to her at the fair and would like to join the guild but does not have a ride.  She lives in the southwest area of Santa Rosa.  If anyone is willing to provide a ride, please contact Phyllis.  A man also inquired about having a quilt completed.  If anyone is interested in doing that, please contact Phyllis for more information.

Other members shared stories that they heard from visitors to the fair about the guild and the impact the community quilts have had on their family.

Lavella prepared 50 kits to work on at the fair and there were none left at the end of the fair.  Lavella thanked everyone for their work in preparation for the quilt-a-thon in October.  She does need help pressing the tops to get them ready.  If anyone can help press them, please let Lavella know.

PIQF:  Melissa Trunick has the information for the bus trip.  It will be October 11, 2007 and the cost is $35. for members and $40 for non-members.

Gee’s Bend Inspired Quilt:  Kathy Hannan  announced that the Bodega Ladies have done a Gee’s Bend inspired quilt.  They will be raffling it off to raise money for the Bodega Bay Volunteer Fire Department.  They will be bringing the quilt to the September business meeting.  More information will be available on the blog.

Committee Reports

Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt Sales:
Glenda Ross announced that the Quilted Cottage in Sonoma is having a Quilt Show and Tea on August 18.  We have been invited to take our opportunity quilts and sell tickets.  Glenda is looking for volunteers to sell tickets in Sonoma on August 18.  If you can help, please contact Glenda.

Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the upcoming programs and workshop.  The August workshops will be a technique workshop.  Sharyn Craig will be doing Innovative Sets.  All blocks are not created equal. She will show you innovative ways to work with those blocks that are not quite equal. The first twenty people in the workshop are invited to bring their blocks and get some suggestions on how to set them.

In October, Jennie Rayment will be here, on her way to Houston.  She will be doing a workshop on fabric twiddling.  At this time there has not been much interest in her workshop.  Phyllis needs to know if you are interested in taking the workshop or if you would rather do the workshop that is currently scheduled for the Moonlighter.  If there is not enough interest, the workshop will be cancelled.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper and Angie Kiker introduced the new friendship block feature on the web site.  You will now be able to see photos of all the friendship blocks that have been turned in.  Linda introduced a new block for Marilyn Altenbach.  She still has room for a few more signups for Virginia Hudak’s Amish Butterfly and Sharon Fry’s color wheel.. Linda showed the blocks that have been turned in.  Please see Linda if you would like to sign up.

Diana Roberts – TSW:  Diana Roberts will be doing a TSW today on machine maintenance. On September 6, Kathy Hannan will be doing paper piecing.  This will also be the block of the month.  Kathy will be sharing different techniques for paper piecing.  For the TSW, you will need 4 different fat quarters.  If you want to sew, bring you machine.  Otherwise you can just listen.

Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli reported that to date, she has delivered over 661 quilts and 400 hats. Since the guild began in 1984,  we have given 6,485 quilts and 5,533 hats to the community.  A Novato company had donated a lot of fabric.  It is in 6 inch squares.  If you would like to take some and work with it, see Lavella.  She is getting tops ready for the October quilt-a-thon.  If you have orphan blocks that you don’t know what to do with, remember Lavella.  She will take them and use them in the community quilts.

Janice Rodgers makes the labels for the quilts.  She just completed 1,000 labels and gave them to Lavella for use on the Community Quilts.  Thanks, Janice.

Barbara Courtelyou – Hospitality: Barbara  reminded members of the guideline to bring something the month of your birthday and six month from your birthday.  She thanked everyone for their support in bringing refreshments.

2007 Challenge:  The 2007 challenge, What’s in a Name, is due September 20, 2007.

Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month:  Kathy introduced the new block of the month, Constellation Star, which is due September 6..  Directions are on the web or at the back table.  If you have any questions about the blocks, please don’t hesitate to call Kathy or Justine.  Block of the month was won by Linda Ziemer.

Sharon Fry – Opportunity Quilt:  Sharon Mills and Sharon Fry are co-charring the new opportunity quilt.  Last week, a group got together to cut strip sets.  They are now on Sharon’s design wall and ready to start sewing.  If you are willing to help put the strip sets together, please contact Sharon Fry.

Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines. 

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:30AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

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