
SRQG September 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:00 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The August minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Illona Moore  moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Earlene Maffioli seconded.  Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurer’s report.  Please see Sandy for details.

NEW BUSINESS:  The Board has decided that we need to reinstate the position of historian.  If no one wants to do it, Sharon Fry is willing to do it.  Pam asked volunteers.  No one came forth.  Sharon Fry will be the Historian.
Lavella Cassinelli has raised the need for a mangle.  There is a lot of ironing required for the baby quilts, ie the fabric before it is cut, the backs and tops before they are sewn together and quilted.  They have been looking for one.  Dottie Zagar moved that the guild spend up to $300 for a mangle.  Phyllis Gallaway seconded for the purpose of discussion.  It was suggested that the amount be $500.  It was also suggested that we look into other ways to have ironing done.  Perhaps someone knows of a dry cleaner, laundry, etc who would be willing to do a large amount of ironing for us pro-bono once or twice a year.  Dottie amended her motion that the guild spend up to $500.  Angie Kiker seconded.  Passed.
Pam McVey read a thank you from the Santa Rosa YWCA for the quilts that the guild donated to them.
Janet Shore asked Pam to announce that the Pointless Sisters Quilt Show in Sonoma was a great success.    Contact Janet to pick up your quilt.
Glenda Ross announced that we would be selling tickets for our opportunity quilts at the Home Show on September 14, 15, & 16.  She needs help.  Also, Sonoma is having a quilt show October 6, 7 and she needs help for that show.
Betty Upchurch thanked the members for their support of her team for the Relay for Life.  She felt supported and was very pleased with the money that was raised.  One of the quilts that she made and was raffled off was won by Jim Wylie of Parkside Sewing.
If anyone has entered quilts in the Lake County Quilt Show, Betty Upchurch will take the quilts up for you.  Please bring them to either the September 20 or October 4 meeting.
Kathryn Hislop of Annie’s Star Quilt Guild in Chico introduced their opportunity quilt and gave a brief history of their guild.
The newsletter is ready.  If you don’t receive it online, please remember to pick yours up at the membership table.
Phyllis Gallaway announced that Road 2 California would be in January 2008.  They have invited guilds to bring their opportunity quilts and sell tickets.  You have to staff the table for whatever time you are there.
Jan Andrews announced that the people who do the Houston Show will be doing a show in Long Beach July 25 – 27, 2008.  If you would like to receive a free flyer, please email Jan to sign up. They are asking that the information be provided from the guild in list form, but we can’t do that without your permission.
PIQF:  Melissa Trunick’s Guild bus trip will be October 11, 2007 There are six seats left.
Gee’s Bend Inspired Quilt:  Kathy Hannan announced that the Bodega Ladies have done a Gee’s Bend inspired quilt.  They will be raffling it off to raise money for the Bodega Bay Volunteer Fire Department.  They will be bringing the quilt to the Founders Day Luncheon on September 20.
Diana Roberts asked if anyone would be interested in a support group to help  use the ideas from Sharyn Craig.  If you are interested, please see Diana.
Pat Meiswinkle asked is anyone had old buttons that they wanted to get rid of.  She is working on a quilt and needs buttons for the flowers.  She will take any buttons that you want to get rid of.
Angie Kiker, our webmaster for the SRQG website reminded members that when they request  articles be posted on the website Blog, they should check back to see if any  comments or inquires are posted that they may need to respond to. 
Committee Reports
Program:  Phyllis Gallaway reviewed the upcoming programs and workshop.  In October, Jennie Rayment will be here, on her way to Houston.  Her workshop will be Sudoku in Texture.  She will be doing the same workshop for Moonlight on October 20.  Phyllis reminded people to put their check in when they sign up for a workshop.  Your spot is not secure until you check is received.  Also, please put your name on anything that you take to a workshop so it can be returned to you.
Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper showed the friendship blocks that have been turned in.  There are four blocks available.  Please see Linda to sign up. Check out the detail of the blocks by going to the friendship block section on the web site.
Diana Roberts – TSW:  Kathy Hannan will be doing paper piecing today.  Caroline Poage will be doing a workshop in November on how to add borders to large appliqué quilts.  Lavella Cassinelli will also be doing a workshop on how to do a baby quilt.
Community Quilts:  Lavella Cassinelli reported that to date, she has delivered over 783 quilts and 450 hats. October will be the last quilt-a-thon of the year.  As soon as the meeting is over, we will start sewing.

Barbara Courtelyou – Hospitality: Barbara reminded everyone of the Founder’s Day Luncheon.  Sign ups have gone well, but there are still some slots where they could use more dishes.  Barbara also reminded everyone to put their name on their utensils, bowls, etc.
Jan Andrews – Sew A Row:  Jan showed some of the rows that still need people to work on them.  It is never too early to start working on a starter row for next year.  Jan showed the first row she has received for 2008, which was made by Pat Meiswinkel.
Justine Lott – Flower Bulb Sales:  Sign ups are going around for bulb sales. The guild received 50% of everything that is sold.
Melissa Trunick- WIP:  The final day for WIP is November 15, 2007.
Kathy Hannan – Block of the Month:  Kathy introduced the new block of the month. Directions are on the web site. Karen Boscolo won the block of the month
Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines. 
Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and nametag drawing.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:15 AM
Respectfully Submitted,
Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

One Response to “SRQG September 2007 Business Meeting Minutes”

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