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Quilt Blocks Needed for Marine Comfort Quilts

Greetings Fellow Guild Members,

 I’ve mentioned to you in the past that I’ve joined the Marine Comfort
Quilts Organization that puts together quilts for Gold Star Families
(families who have had a son or daughter KIA).

 I’m desparately seeking 12 1/2" squares to send to Illinois. They can be
of any design and need some tone on tone white or beige. The light colored fabric
gives a space to write a message within the block.

 The following is a part of an email from one of the two leaders of the

 —–  "As of 10/17/07 we have completed or are in the process of completing
the following quilts: 947 Marine, 2328 Army, 26 Air Force, 49 Navy, and 1
Coast Guard. This number equates to 100,530 squares that were used to make
these 3351 quilts, 3211 of which are complete.
  At no time in the past have we ever had so many of the Army families
registered. So, please, we know the holidays are coming but the war and
those dying do not stop for the holidays so please remember to keep sending
 in." J. Lang, MCQ

 If any of you have a moment to make 1 twelve and half inch square that you can bring to me at
Guild, I and so many others would be so very grateful. I will be
sure to have a couple of pens for use in signing the blocks. One of
the most touching things about these quilts is that the blocks are made and
signed by people all over the country.

 Thanks for any help you can give me/us.

 Norma Viglienzone

One Response to “Quilt Blocks Needed for Marine Comfort Quilts”

  1. Glynis Says:

    I am looking for fleece fabric with the Marine emblem. My son is going to boot camp in March and I want to present him with a quilt at graduation. Please help. JoAnn fabrics is done with the whole line, and the local Walmarts are out of the Marine branch only.

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