
November 2007 Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Santa Rosa, Ca
November 1, 2007

The meeting was called to order by President Pam McVey at 10:05 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed.

MINUTES:  The October minutes were published on the blog.  Pam asked for questions or corrections.  Lonnie Moore moved that the minutes be accepted as published. Dottie Zagar seconded.  Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.

TREASURER’S REPORT:   Sandy Chan-Brown presented the treasurers report.  Sandy asked everyone to submit any outstanding requests for reimbursement as soon as possible as she will be closing the books for 2007.



2008 Slate of Officers:  Janice Rodgers, Parliamentarian, presented the slate of officers for 2008.  They are:

 President:  Pam McVey
 Vice President:  Linda Hooper
 Treasurer:  Jan Head
 Recording Secretary: Linda Emis
 Program Chairs Denise Raney
    Janet Shore
 Program Chair Elect: Janice Rodgers
    Genie Becker
 Corresponding Secretary: Meri Kay Gurnee
 Parliamentarian Holly Palma

Janice asked for nominations from the floor. Nancy Parmelee moved the nominations be closed.  Dottie Zagar seconded.  Motion carried.

Pam has most of the program chairs covered.  She still needs someone to do hospitality and TSW.  If you are interested in working on these committees, please see Pam.


Norma Viglienzone asked for help in making blocks that would go into the quilts for the gold star families.  Thank you everyone who responded.  The blocks are on display.

Justine Lott – Bulb Sales:  The bulbs are in.  Justine thanked everyone who participated in the sales.  This project made $105 for the guild.

Linda Morand – Linda has been touched by the fires in Southern California as probably many of you have.  She wanted to do something for the community so she is going to donate a quilt which will be raffled off here and the money will be sent to the Red Cross and designated for the fires in Southern California.

Linda Sims – Community Smart Program:  Linda advised that the guild has earned about $800 this year from this program.  She explained the program.  If you are interested in participating, please see Linda.

Linda Sims – Pointless Sisters:  This is an art group and meets the fourth Tuesday of the month.  November will be their last meeting for the year.  Everyone is invited to join them.

Sharon Cahn announced that there will be an Art to Wear Show in Sacramento on November 10 and 11.  See Sharon for details.

Pam McVey announced that there will not be a November newsletter.  There will be a combined November/December newsletter later this month.

Pam McVey announced that there will be a joint board meeting on November 29, 2007 at the Luther Burbank Art and Garden Center starting at 10:00 AM.  The old board will be providing the food for the new board.

Joni Bellinghausen:  The UFO group will be starting up again.  They will meet on the second Thursday of the month at Material Girl in Windsor.  Everyone is invited and you work on whatever you want.

Committee Reports:

Kathy Hannon – Block of the Month:  Kathy introduced the new block which is rising star.  The drawing for September and October blocks was held.  Both were won by Raychell Sumner.

Holly Palma – TSW:  Today, Caroline Poage will be doing appliqué floral border.  Lavella will be sharing how to do a baby quilt.  They had more people willing to do TWS’s this year than they had room for. Holly encouraged someone to take on the coordination of the TSW’s.

Friendship Block:  Linda Hooper introduced a new block for Denise Raney.  There are still blocks available for Lynn Williams and Marilyn Altenbach.  Also, there are five kits left for the Amish butterfly for Virginia Hudak.  Linda is going to host workshop at her house on November 9, 2007 for anyone who would like to do an Amish butterfly block.

Linda showed the completed blocks that had been turned in.

Lavella Cassinelli – Community Quilts:  Lavella sent four quilts for the wounded warriors yesterday and one to Ryan Sobel, the young man from Petaluma who is in rehab in North Carolina.  To date, she delivered 876 quilts.  Lavella thanked everyone for working so hard on the community quilts this year.

Jan Andrews – Sew A Row:  The sew-a-row program for 2007 is winding down.  Jan needs all the rows back by the next meeting.  She is accepting starter rows for the 2008 program and would like them by the December meeting, however, the rotation won’t start until February.

Boutique – Pam Beebe:  The boutique is set up today.  Pam showed some of the new items they have in the boutique.  Come and shop.

Barbara Cortelyou – Hospitality:  Barbara reminded everyone that the December 6 meeting is our holiday luncheon.  She will be passing a sign up sheet around

Melissa Trunick – WIPS:  The works in progress challenge will be held at the next meeting.

Melissa Trunick – Homeless Project:  We will be putting together bags that go to the homeless shelters.  She explained the program and the goal is to do 200 bags.  Melissa will put the information on the blog.

Jenine Gilbin – Hospitality:  If there is anyone who isn’t able to attend the meetings and needs cheering up, please let Jenine know.

Library Report:  Sharon Fry introduced the new books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held, followed by the 50/50 and name tag drawing.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM

Respectfully Submitted,

Doris I. Maneke, Recording Secretary

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