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January 3rd Buisness Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
January 3, 2008

President Pam Mc Vey called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM.

New members and guests were introduced and welcomed to the guild.

MINUTES:  The December minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail.  Lavella Cassinelli requested the minutes be corrected regarding the Quilt-A-Thon from January to February.  Mirna Estes moved that the minutes be accepted with the correction.  Dotty Zagar seconded.  Accepted.  A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.  

TREASURER’S REPORT:   Sandra Chan-Brown presented her final treasurer’s report for the year.  Please see Sandra for details.    


NEW BUSINESS:   The new 2008 Board Members were called to the front for installation:  President Pam Mc Vey, Vice President Linda Hooper, Treasurer Janice Head, Recording Secretary Linda Emis, Program Chairs Mary Wood and Denise Raney, Program Chairs Elect Janice Rodgers and Genie Becker, Corresponding Secretary Meri Kay Gurnee and Parliamentarian Holly Palma.
Pam thanked the 2007 Board Members for their service to the Guild.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Pam Mc Vey read an article from the Chris Smith’s column published in the Press Democrat. He wrote about our Community Projects and mentioned our donated 1,106 quilts and 550 hats to the various organizations.

Vice President Linda Hooper presented Pam Mc Vey with a gift for her tenure as guild President in 2007.  Linda thanked everyone for the support and the overwhelming response received to the Country Churn Dash quilt and extra blocks.

Once again Doty Zagar submitted an application to PG&E for a donation to the Community Project which she presented to Lavella Cassinelli.  If any member knows where our grant letter can be sent, please let the guild know. It really helps stretch our funds.

Lavella received a donation of an antique quilt for the Wounded Warriors project.  She has decided that due, to the continually washing of the quilts sent to Camp Pendleton, it would be better to raffle this quilt.  Susan Silvey will be selling tickets for the quilt.  The drawing will be held at the last meeting in February.  As of now, Camp Pendleton is running at full capacity with plans to increase in size.

The Petaluma Quilt Guild is having its 7th Annual Auction February 5, 2008 at the Veterans Memorial Bldg. in Petaluma.
Quilters Escape 2008 will be held May 4th-8th featuring many guest teachers.  Fliers for both events are located in the back of the room.

Linda Sims, also a member of the Pointless Sisters mini art group, invited anyone interested to join the group the 4th Tuesday of each month at the Luther Burbank Gardens on Yulupa Ave.  They are accepting applications for their quilt display at the Rincon Valley Library.  

Linda also handles the Smart Card program for the SRQG.  Sign up for the program at no cost to you. The participating merchants donate a percentage from each purchase to the guild.  Linda acknowledged Jan Andrews and Justine Lott for their Smart Card usage in 2007.

Pat Meiswinkel is asking for Velcro for the Windsor Senior Center Bag-Along Project.  The Velcro can be one inch sew-on type (no stick-on).  Also they would welcome any type of binding for the projects they make.  1,400  Bag-Alongs have been delivered to the community. 

Pam Mc Vey announced that the Cloverdale Citrus Fair entry forms are due January 25th.  Quilts must be delivered February 2.  Entry forms can be obtained online at:   SRQG gives awards for best overall hand quilting for adults and best all over for juniors.

Contact Juanita Campbell for information on the Hawaiian Quilt Show April 24th-May 3rd.

The Sewing Room Sales for 2008 will be April 3rd and September 4th after the meetings.  Start cleaning out now to get ready!

COMMITTEE REPORTS:  Lavella Cassinelli – Community Quilts:  Read the total of quilts and hats sent to each individual group for 2007, (information is also on the website).  The second meeting in January, she will give a demonstration on how to sandwich the quilts and get them ready for quilting.  February 7th will be the first Quilt-A-Thon for the year.  She will also be holding the January 5th Thursday retreat at the Luther Burbank Gardens at 9:00 AM.  Lavella will bring red, white and blue fabric for us to make blocks for the Marine Comfort Quilts to be given to the Gold Families.

Bob Salomon and Dale Mc Coy, two of the thirty-six members of the Kenwood Yacht Club, attended the meeting to acknowledge the work SRQG does for the community.   They told of a gentleman at their meeting who had received one of the baby quilts for his son nine years ago. He was so moved by what the quilt meant to his family that he requested to make a donation to the Yacht Club even though he was not a member.  Lavella accepted a very generous donation from the Kenwood Yacht Club to a standing ovation.  Looking around the room there were tears in many a members eyes.

Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt Tickets:  The opportunity quilt has been at the Black Cat Quilt Shop in San Francisco.   They were pleased to have it because it generated lots of sales for their shops Bento Block pattern.

Mary Wood – Programs:  Reviewed the upcoming programs for the next three months.  She explained the procedures for program sign- ups and refunds. The workshops will be held at the Luther Burbank Gardens from 9:00 am to 3:30 pm with ½ hour for lunch. Please bring you own lunch.  April workshop will be held at the Veterans Building. 

Pam BeeBe –Boutique:  We will be working on items for the boutique at the January 31st retreat.  The boutique needs items for the Moonlight Quilters show in June.  Last year the boutique did very well at this event.

Linda Hooper-Friendship Blocks:  Showed the friendship blocks in the program. The bunny block information is also on the website.

Phyllis Gallaway- MQSC Liaison:  Start thinking about your entries for the Moonlight Quilters Show in June.  The Moonlight Quilters hope we can support them at a meeting February 19th at 6:00 pm in the Veterans Building. The council will be holding a fact finding meeting regarding the use of the building where Moonlight holds their meetings, workshops and quilt show.
Moonlight’s workshop for Saturday, January 19th has openings for the Rami Kim’s “Fifth Dimension”.  Cost $35.00.

The Petaluma Guild will host the Tri-Guild Luncheon on March 15.

Phyllis will be putting together a trip to the Houston Quilt Show Sunday, October 26th through November 3rd.  If anyone is interested contact her.

Jan Andrews-Newsletter:  The printed copies of the newsletter will now be available at the speakers meeting. 

Jan Andrews-Sew-A-Row: New packets are coming in; distribution will be at the first meeting in February.  Filled packets will be handed out at the next meeting.

Tera Antaree-TSW: Phyllis Galloway will provide the first technique sharing workshop today.  At our next meeting Lavella will show us how to sandwich and finish the quilts for the Quilt-A-Thon.  Melissa Trunick will not be doing the Mystery Quilt workshop in February like the calendar currently states.  It maybe in rescheduled in March.  Diana Roberts will be holding a machine quilting technique workshop.  One of the conditions of taking this workshop is that participants commit to quilting one baby quilt for the community project.  She will bring a supply list to the next meeting.

Barbara Cortelyou-Hospitality:  The sign-up for refreshments is going around the room.  Please sign up for your birthday month and your half birthday.  The table that Norma is sitting at is signing up for February refreshments and is challenging another table to sign up for other months. Barbara is requesting if you have any leftover napkins or paper products to think about donating them to hospitality.

Pam Brown-Membership: Membership cards for 2008 can be picked up at the membership table. If you have not paid your dues, pay today so that you can be included in the roster.
Kathy Hannan & Justine Lott-Block of the Month: Explained how this year’s Stars from Stardust blocks will operate. All information, suggestions and pattern will be available online.

Sharon Fry-Librarian: Introduced new books and magazines for the month.  Two of the books were replacements, since they sprouted legs and walked away from the library.

Melissa Trunick-UFO Challenge:  Today was the start of the UFO Challenge.  Promised projects are due May 15th. Janice Head recorded the member’s projects and will keep their money until the May meeting. 

Show and Tell was held. Lavella showed finished quilts for the community project followed by other members.  Fifty-fifty and nametag drawings were held. 

The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis Recording Secretary





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