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Wounded Warrior Quilts and Updates

Date: Monday, August 25, 2008, 4:04 PM

Another trip to the WWB!  This time it was accompanied by one of the tropical storms passing through and my dirty, filthy truck got a thorough washing with the pouring rain.  Just wish the rain had made it to my dusty place.  There is lots to talk about this time.  One of the local newspapers (North County Times) did a little piece of the WWB quilts this week and I’ve had several inquiries from local quilters who didn’t know about the need for quilts on the Marines beds.  Several have said they will start on a WWB quilt next!!  One nice lady said she inherited a lot of beautiful quilt cotton from a deceased friend.  I’m shipping boxes of this to the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild who have been so generous with their so many quilts.  I have one puzzle from this assortment of fabrics, however.  There was a baggie with 100 blocks (3.5 inch cut; 6.5 inch assembled) which I could (should) whip into a quilt for the WWB.  I’m looking for clues on how they should be assembled.  Anyone out there who can put me out of my misery?

This past week I also had to purchase a new iron and my old one (only a year old) decided to spew its contents all over the ironing board.  For the first time I decided to not buy the least expensive iron and opted for one a tad under $100 – FOR AN IRON!  Now I remember my mother telling me that quality shows, and now I know that I should have sprung for the more expensive iron years ago.  It heats so fast, glides better than the old one and uses less than half the distilled water with much more steam being produced.  All those store trips to get more distilled water……

So, the WWB’s latest news is they have a service dog in residence – Jonah, a black Labrador retriever.  The Marines were telling me that he lives in the front hall, not being allowed in the sleeping quarters.  He is not lacking in attention, but has bonded with SSGt Stringer.  When SSGt Stringer walks by, Jonah will abandon petting and attention to go with him – unless he is actively **working** with one of the Marines.

 This trip I took, in addition to quilts, some Navel oranges and avocados from the Stehly Ranch, some nectarine jam from Heather C and some nectarine ice cream I made from Netta A’s Pauma Valley fruit that got too ripe to drive there.  After the photos of the quilts were taken I walked past the galley and the fragrance of oranges being consumed was delicious.  I could hear plans already being made for weekend guacamole from the avocados – those Marines were happy with the fruit!

 Now on to the best part – the quilts!  Jeanette G from Centennial CO sent a wonderful quilt that her 13 year old son had made to fulfill a boy scout merit badge.  The Marines were laughing at all the Bronco’s fabric and were delighted when I told them it came from Colorado.  They already had someone in mind who is a Broncos fan!.  Pretty impressive first quilt for this young man.

 Did you notice the bed and toys for Jonah???


Then there were two absolutely gorgeous quilts from Heather C.  One was an Irish chain quilt with loads of birds fabric and birds in the border in machine quilting.  Quite impressive.

 Jonah likes that quilt….


Heather’s second quilt was a Martha Washington square that was one of the monochrome quilts that ends up taking your breath away in the attention to detail.  Sometimes simple is quite not simple at all and quite complex.  Good job!.

 Last, but absolutely not least were SEVEN quilts that the Santa Rose Quilt Guild sent this week.  They have always been so generous with their time and talent which Is why I’m shipping these fabrics for replenishment of their stock.  The funny thing about the fabrics is that I don’t recognize them!  After so many years haunting fabric stores and viewing so many quilts, when I see someone’s inventory I can almost always recognize most of their fabrics.  Not these!!  They should have a head scratching time figuring where to use them!

 Well you know that you’d see that Marine at night when he’s jogging in that workout outfit….didn’t catch that when I shot the photo.

 Look at all those stars at the block intersections!

 I’ve never seen this pattern and loved the use of RW&B in waves…

There are now 30 residents in the barracks and close by.  This count (different from last newsletter) doesn’t count those living in their own nearby homes.  Residents are rotating out routinely but the number of residents doesn’t diminish as there are always new residents for the long term care.  I asked how the inventory of quilts was holding out, and was told that due to this rotation, they were almost out so were very relieved to have today’s delivery.

 Finally I have one more item to mention.  Some folks have emailed me with inquiries about how to support the Marines and troops that are over on the sand.  This is a particularly crucial time to send support.  During the holiday times the guys get inundated with items, but this is slack time.  Packages from home perk them up and also help relieve boredom.  I’ve found a great resource with the Navy Corpsmen.  These are the medics that are attached to and accompany the Marines on patrol over there.  If anyone is interested in what to send, how to ship or names of these medics, shoot me an email and I’ll be delighted to fill you in.  I just got a new list today, so the information is current.  I try to ship one or two boxes per week – one of my latest had some magazines I got from one of you quilters who sends car magazines (not to **my** taste but you know boys and their cars) and nestled in them was a Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue – I think that box will be VERY popular <g>.

 Again, and I cannot say this often enough, thank you, thank you, thank you for the generosity of your time, talent, creativity etc in supporting these injured Marines at the Wounded Warrior Battalion, Camp Pendleton.

 Therese Thomas

(760) 749-3794


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