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December Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
December 4, 2008
President Pam McVey called her last meeting as Guild President to order at 10:04 AM. 
Three guests were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.
Minutes: The November minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail. Doris Maneke moved the minutes be accepted as written. Doty Zagar and Lee Trevelyan seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table. The September Business Meeting’s Minutes indicated that Lavella Cassinelli requested permission to purchase a mangle, when what transpired was that Linda Morand requested the purchase.
Treasurer’s Report:   Jan announced that a copy of the proposed budget for 2009 is on each table today. She pointed out to the membership that the proposed budget is out of balance. At this time the expenses are larger than the income expected. Due to the poor economy, no donations have been included in the budgeting for the year.   This is a very conservative budget and Jan assured the membership that it would be watched very closely. There are options for the membership to increase the income or take the budget deficit out of the Guild’s reserves. A list of ideas will be compiled for other options such as: increasing workshop fees, fundraisers at a local restaurant or increasing membership dues. Please e-mail Jan Head, if you have suggestions or ideas about where new grant letters can be sent or ways of obtaining additional funds.
Announcements: Linda Sims reminded the membership that one easy way to increase the income of the Guild is by using the Smartcards. The new cards expire in 2013. If members know of family members or friends that might be interested, they can also participate in the program. 
John Masura showed a slide show called “Colors and Patterns of the Ukraine”. He is connected with the Cherkasy Women’s Center in the Ukraine. The Guild has donated sewing supplies and fabric to the Women’s Center.
Old Business:   None
New Business: None
Committee Reports: 
Glenda Ross-Opportunity Quilts: Glenda reminded the membership to pick-up their raffle tickets  for the Opportunity Quilts. Each member is asked to sell forty raffle tickets each year. Money can be turned in after the sale of the raffle tickets. 
Phyllis Gallaway-MQSC Liaison: Phyllis announced that if anyone wanted to receive a subscription for the “Quilter’s Home” magazine by Mark Lipinski, she will be taking orders.  Mark has agreed to donate a percentage of the subscriptions to the Guild. Phyllis has a couple of reverse action tweezers on sale if anyone is interested.    
Jan Andrews-Newsletter/Sew-A-Row: Jan announced there would be a small December newsletter online. If people wanted to receive a hard copy of the newsletter in 2009 Jan is asking for members to provide her with stamps at the first of the year. The 2009 budget for the newsletter has been reduced. She showed a few Sew-A-Rows that need someone to finish them. Jan showed a flier of two Sew-A-Rows that have gone missing. If anyone knows where these projects have gone, please let her know.
Anne Dondero-Membership: Membership dues for 2009 are being accepted. Please renew immediately to keep the membership roster current. 
Linda Hooper-Friendship Block: Linda showed two “Tanzanian Star” blocks she completed for Pam Beebe. There are two other blocks in the program at this time.
Tera Antaree-Technique Sharing Workshops: Lavella Cassinelli will be holding an orientation on the Community Projects and the Quilt-A-Thon on January 15th.  Betty Upchurch volunteered to teach members free motion quilting if, in turn, they will complete a Community Quilt at the first 5th Thursday Retreat to be held on January 29th. The first Quilt-A-Thon of the New Year will be held at the February 5th meeting
Janice Rodgers-Program Chair: Janice introduced Guild member Judy Mathieson who will be teaching the first program of the year on January 16th. It is called “Mariner’s Compass – Split to the Center”.  Janice modeled the vest that Judy Mullen is offering for the “More Than a Vest” workshop on February 20th.
Kathy Hannan-Block of the Month:  Kathy displayed the Block of the Month for December called “Christmas Star”. The drawing for the “Jewel Star” will take place later in the meeting.
Lavella Cassinelli-Community Projects: Lavella reported the Guild donated a quilt to the Blue Star Memorial dedication to be held at the Veteran’s Building December 7th at 11:15 AM. Since the inception of the Community Projects, the Guild has donated a grand total of 9,164 quilts to various organizations. Since she took over as chairperson of the Community Projects, she has delivered 6,861 quilts. This year there have been 1,573 quilts in various sizes and 532 hats delivered. There have been a grand total of 6,615 hats delivered since the beginning of the project.   The Guild has delivered 162 wheelchair bags and 14 sidearm bags to date.   Pam McVey thanked Lavella for all the service she gives to the Community Project program. 
Sharon Fry-Librarian: Sharon introduced a variety of brand new and donated books and magazines. 
Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings. 
The meeting was adjourned at 11:05 AM for the start of the holiday luncheon. 
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis, Recording Secretary

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