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April Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
April 2, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:03 AM.

One guest and one new member were introduced.

Minutes: Lavella Cassinelli moved to accept the March minutes. Lee Trevelyan seconded. The motion carried

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported that first quarter expenditures and revenues are on track.


Volunteers are needed to:
· Help at the Moonlight Quilt Show; the sign-up form is on the web site
· Coordinate the sewing room sale to be scheduled for a late spring meeting
· Quilt a Wounded Warrior Quilt. Top, back and batting provided. Contact Lavella.

The Pointless Sisters’ spring quilt show is on display now through April 27 at the Rincon Valley Library in Santa Rosa.

The Sew Shop has generously donated one complimentary pass to “From Rags to Riches”, a wine country sewing event of demonstrations, lectures and hands-on activities with author Christopher Mejman on May 16 and 17 at Fountain Grove Inn in Santa Rosa. The pass includes a continental breakfast, lunch and supplies. Tickets will be available at the next meeting on April 16 and the raffle will also be held that day. Ticket prices are $1 for 1 ticket, $2 for 3 tickets, and $5 for 10 tickets. All proceeds will go to SRQG. You can learn more about Christopher Mejman at or contact Janice Rodgers for more information.

Illona Moore announced that sewing machines and other items belonging to our late guild member Doris Maneke are being sold. Contact Illona or call Doris’ phone number for more information.

Rose Lara is ill and cards would be appreciated. Valeska Lattin is recovering and would appreciate cards and phone calls.

Kathy Hannan announced that the theme for this year’s Quilt Challenge will be homonyms – two words that sound alike but have two different meanings such as “a pair of pears.” Loads of examples of homonyms are available through a Google search. The quilts will be due at the Founder’s Day luncheon in September.

New Business: Meg Easter Dawson from Valley of the Moon Children’s Home, the county emergency shelter for children, received 103 quilts. She described how much the children treasure the quilts.

Committee Reports:

Membership- Anne Dondero: Membership cards and rosters that have not been picked up will be mailed to members.

Opportunity Quilt – Glenda Ross: Pam McVey reported that the last chance to turn in your Opportunity Quilt revenue will be the next meeting on April 16.

Friendship Block-Veline Ball: Veline shared several new blocks. The name of each person who contributes a block is tossed in the hat. Betty Upchurch won the quarterly drawing.

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: A survey to gauge member interest in additional bus trips and activities was distributed. Genie and Janice gave a humorous report on the March workshop and reviewed coming programs.

Sew-A-Row – Joanie Bellinghausen: Betty Upchuch announced that it’s sign-up time for the 2009 Sew-A-Rows.

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: The barn block for “Create a Village” was introduced.

Community Projects-Lavella Cassinelli: To date, 534 quilts (including 103 quilts to Valley of the Moon) and 229 hats have been distributed.

Librarian-Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of brand new and donated books and magazines as well as old favorites.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:27 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

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