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Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
July 2, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:00 AM.

Linda Hooper introduced our guest.

Minutes: Mirna Estes moved to accept the June minutes. Ruth Blanchard seconded. The motion carried

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head gave the Treasurer’s Report. There was a positive cash flow in June. The budget is very close to being on target year to date. Jan announced that she’s leaving the Board at the end of the year and encouraged members to consider the Treasurer position. The books are on Quicken and she is available to advise the new treasurer.


Linda Hooper reported that the Guild will participate in First Friday on 4th tomorrow, July 3. The Guild booth will be in Courthouse Square and the festivities run from 4-8 PM. The Guild will also have a booth at the Windsor Quilt Show on July 5.

Linda explained that the Guild is involved in so many quilt-making activities that it can become confusing. The Guild donates quilts to more than 20 agencies and the list is on the Guild Community Projects web page. She reminded members that suggestions for new or enhanced projects should be cleared with both the Community Projects chair, Lavella Casinelli, and the full Board.

Janice Juul announced that the Nominating Committee for next year’s slate of officers has been formed. She encouraged members to consider running for a position. Contact Nominating Committee members Anne Dondero, Jan Head, Linda Emis, Judith Clarke, Earlene Maffioli or Janice Juul if you’re interested.

Tera Antaree and others have been making Community Quilts from flannel scraps. She encouraged members to join in at the next Quiltathon on July 30th when she’ll bring her stash and show her two favorite methods for using up scraps.

Judith Clarke belongs to the Habitat for Humanity quilter’s group which provides quilts for new homeowners and for raffle fundraisers. The group will have a booth at the Windsor Quilt Show. Contact Judith for more information.

The “Color, Craft and Comfort” quilt show will run from May 20 through August 19 at the Healdsburg Historical Museum.

New Business: There was no new business.

Committee Reports:

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: The programs for July and August were introduced. Janice and Genie encouraged members to consider running for Programs and Workshops committee chair. They described the process of selecting and hosting presenters, including the NCQC program “Meet the Teachers” which is a way to meet potential presenters and see them in action.

Nominating Committee – Anne Dondero, Jan Head, Linda Emis, Judith Clarke, Earlene Maffioli, Janice Juul: The Nominating Committee will meet on July 16. Janice Juul encouraged members to consider running for the Board. It’s a great way to get to know Guild members and the outgoing board members and committee chairs will help their replacements during the transition.

Hospitality: Carolle LeMonnier and Georgiann Morrissey received a round of applause for volunteering for June, July and August. They reminded members to bring luncheon contributions that need little or no special preparation on their birthday month and again 6 months later.

Quilt Challenge- Carolle LeMonnier, Georgiann Morrissey, Kathy Hannan: Carolle and Georgeann reminded members that it’s time to get going on this year’s challenge. The theme is homonyms – two words that sound alike but have different meanings such as “a pair of pears.” The quilts can be any color, any size. More details are available in the Newsletter or contact any of the committee members. The quilts must be completed for the Founder’s Day Luncheon on September 17.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: Jenine encouraged members to sign the card for Pat Meiswinkel who is recovering from surgery.

Fair Liaison – Pam McVey: Volunteers are still needed to hang quilts and demonstrate quilting. Contact Pam to sign up and receive your pass to the fair.

Sew-A-Row – Joanie Bellinghausen: Joanie announced that it’s time to rotate the rows. There’s still time to sign up. See Joanie.

Friendship Blocks – Veline Ball: Linda Hooper asked members to hold their completed blocks and bring them to the next meeting.

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: Linda introduced the evening star or patriotic star (depending on the colors used) which is the next block for “Create a Village.” She reminded members that the BOM program also benefits Community Quilts. When a member submits two blocks, one goes to the drawing and the other to Community Quilts. Then she gave Lavella a stack of BOM blocks for Community Quilts.

Newsletter – Jan Andrews: Jan reminded members to send newsletter articles to her in an email memo

Boutique – Betty Upchurch: Carol Jarvis announced that the Boutique doubled their sales at the annual quilt show in June bringing in record $1176. She thanked all who contributed to the effort. She said that the Guild received many compliments on the Boutique.

TSW – Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis introduced the TSWs for July and August.

Community Projects – Lavella Cassinelli: Lavella graciously received a stack of blocks from the BOM program. She thanked members for doing a “fabulous job” and asked them to keep it up. She received a round of applause when she described that the goal of Community Projects is to “keep Sonoma County covered” and that the mission has been expanded to comfort the wounded military during this war effort. She announced the donation figures for 2008 (which are also on the web page) and 2009 to date. It looks like we’ll have a record year!

UFO Challenge – Melissa Trunick: Sign up for the challenge by the next business meeting on August 6. Don’t forget to bring $5 and your UFO.

Librarian – Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:07 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

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