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Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
December 3, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:04 AM.

Linda Hooper introduced new members and several guests.

Minutes: Judith Clarke moved to accept the November minutes. Janice Rodgers seconded and the motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head presented the proposed 2010 budget. Dotty Zagar moved to approve the 2010 budget as proposed. Kat Stephens seconded and the motion carried.


Outgoing president Linda Hooper thanked committee chairs and the general membership for their support over this last year.

Items made by members of the Woman’s Community in the Ukraine are available for sale at the meeting. Materials donated by our guild are used in the making of the Ukrainian Dolls.

Chris Nolan announced that a Lions Club Christmas Day Dinner for seniors, families, and people alone will be held at the Veterans Home.

June Moes is leading a TSW and needs to borrow the book Creating Body Coverings.

Earlene Maffioli announced the Mom’s Group is having a fundraiser at Marie Callender’s today.

New Business:

The Community Quilt program requested a budget overrun of $500 for a large year-end purchase of flannel. Dotty Zagar moved that the budget overrun be approved. Jan Andrews seconded and the motion carried.

The Holiday Gift exchange will be held after the meeting.

Committee Reports:

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: The last two blocks of “Create a Village” were introduced.

Boutique – Betty Upchurch: Betty encouraged members to shop at the Boutique and purchase raffle tickets.

Community Projects – Lavella Cassinelli: Lavella gave a heartfelt thank you for the support of membership this year. The total number of quilts delivered in 2009 is 1,604.

Friendship Blocks – Veline Ball: Two new friendship blocks were shared.

Librarian – Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.

Membership – Anne Dondero and Pam Brown: It’s annual membership renewal time. Please mail your membership check to the Guild post office box. New rosters and membership cards will be available at the February meeting.

Opportunity Quilt – Glenda Ross and Rhonda Denny: Members were reminded to pick up tickets for the Opportunity Quilt.

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Janice and Genie thanked the membership for supporting the workshops this last year.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: Jenine announced that two cards are circulating for signatures.

TSW – Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: The January TSW will highlight a fast way to sew baby quilts. In February, Jan Head will explain how to get a flat quilt and how to prepare your quilt for the long arm quilter.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:25 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Janice Juul for

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

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