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Community Quilts – One Member’s Perspective

Here’s another inside perspective from our Rolling Reporter, Rhonda Denny. Enjoy!

    Community Quilts Brought Me to the Guild

It is in my blood. My beloved Granny sewed for charity, her family, her dance group, and just for the pure pleasure. We – she and I – are driven by the same energy, compelled to sew non-stop like junkies – always a needle nearby begging to be picked-up. She had a heart for the babies and the elderly and would regularly drop her handmade quilts off at different establishments that served such. I found myself in my young adulthood saying prayers that I would be lead to individuals in need, especially the babies. There has never been a lack.

When Tina W. first invited me to the guild I was sewing for two preteens who were living in little more than a shed in Geyserville. Several months came and went. Occasionally she would ask me again to attend a guild meeting with her but there was always a good reason not to go. Eventually though, I agreed. I found that the universe was in cahoots with her. My sources were suddenly dry and strangers were asking me if I was a SRQG member. Finally, one time at Village Sewing Center I said out-loud, “Why do people keep asking me that?”

Enter my fist meeting, a Quilt-a-thon in February *2008(?). I wanted to ball like a baby. I was completely overwhelmed. There was the ‘Quilts Given To Date’ report and the numbers were astonishing! The guild serves so many in need like Wounded Warriors, Valley of the Moon Children’s Center, area hospitals, and the list went on. Machines were humming and the room was filled with love and fun. There was something for everyone to do from hand-sewing labels for a first-timer, like me, to quilting and everything in between. Needless to say, time stopped for me on this day and I can barely remember anymore what I even did before I joined.

Quilt-a-thon, April 29 2010, Luther Burbank Garden Center 8:30 am: The room is already warm with action. Lavella, Head Mistress, and her entourage have everything staged and are already sewing away. There are donuts and coffee and Betty Up to mentor and teach. To my right is Meadow. She keeps me in coffee, (and like a super trouper at the end of the day carries my machine to the car). To my left sits my sweet Virginia. I am sandwiched in awesome quilting goodness. This is the first time I free-motion quilt in public. Betty had taught me just a week ago a few tricks that made me feel confident. I’m still holding my breath but I make a pretty fine rose with ribbons now, if I do say so myself! As a side note, props to Tera A. B-up told me that she’s never seen anyone take to a meandering pattern so quickly and so beautifully!

I didn’t take notes this outing which bums me out because I like to make mention of all the souls that attended and contributed. I know that it was a full house and that the energy was friendly and encouraging and much was accomplished. It does take a village and the need is great. I want to always be there and never forget…

The last time I saw my granny she was in a convalescent home. She was a mere wisp of a woman, freezing, she said, as there weren’t enough blankets. I was horrified to find that a woman who had blanketed tens of hundreds over her lifetime could be cold…and how is it that a hospital doesn’t have enough blankets?!?

Community quilts makes the guild for me. The relationships, dedication, programs, workshops, minigroups, committees, library and luncheons are the bonus, the gravy, the icing on the cake that keeps me coming back for more! Thank you Tina and thank you Granny and thank you Lavella and thank you SRQG.

Rollin’ Rho

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