
September Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
Sept. 2, 2010

The meeting was called to order by President Jan Andrews at 10:03 a.m.

Pam McVey introduced 1 new member and 2 guests.

Treasurer’s Report: Phyllis reported that income exceeded expenses in August. There
was good attendance at the Aug. workshop, the fees were enough to pay the instructor. She also
explained that the reserve fund balance is kept high in case funds don’t come in as budgeted.
More volunteers are needed for our fundraiser at Marie Callenders.

Elaine Tucker wants everyone to know that there are CDs in the library of photos of Dolly’s
party, Show and Tell quilts. They are full size pictures.
Melissa Trunick reports the bus trip to PIQF will cost $35.00 for members, $43.00 for nonmembers.
The bus will load at the Park and Ride lot by the Veterans Building. It is a good idea
to car-pool to the lot; people could also organize car-pools and follow the bus to the show.
Sharon Fry explained for new members that she will make e-mail notices for members to be sent
to the entire roster of the Guild. Photos of quilts for the DVD will be taken during a Sew Day
Oct. 28th. The cost is $1.00 per quilt, there will be a sign-up sheet for time slots. There will be
no charge for BOM, Sew-a-Row, Challenge, group, or Friendship quilts. The DVD can also
include information on title, maker, quilter, etc, if desired. The DVD will sell for $7.00 in
advance, $10.00 after Oct. 28th.
Phyllis Gallaway announced there will be a budget committee meeting on Oct. 6th.
Committee Reports:
Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Zeimer, Joyce Wood, and Barbara Cortelyou:
The Sept. block is star in a star. The raffle of the demo quilt will be held in January.
Boutique – Betty Upchurch:
Betty showed some new boutique items including a machine mat, drawstring sewing kit, etc.
Challenge Quilt- Phyllis Gallaway:
The monochromatic quilts are due at the Founder’s Day meeting.
Community Quilts-Lavella Cassinelli:
Sept. 30 is the date of the next 5th Thursday at LBA&GC. Set-up will begin at 8:30, come and
help. There will be a Quiltathon Oct 7th, members can begin sewing at 9:30, a brief business
meeting will start at 10:00, there will be no Show and Tell
Friendship Blocks – Veline Ball:
Veline showed a new Friendship Block for Pam Beebe. It is Rocky Road to Salem and the quilt
will be donated to Community Quilts.
Hospitality- Georgianne Morrisey:
A sign-up sheet is being passed around for food for the Founder’s Day luncheon.
Librarian – Sharon Fry:
Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.
Opportunity Quilt-Glenda Ross, Rhonda Denny:
There are passes for volunteers working the Home Show Sept. 17-19. Raffle tickets are selling
very well, more tickets have been printed.
Program and Workshops – Linda Thomas and Rhonda Denny:
Linda Thomas reported an anonymous donation to pay for a workshop registration fee. There
will be a drawing in Sylvia Davis’ workshop.
Sew-a-Row-Joanie Bellinghausen:
Joanie showed a number of new Rows.
TSW – Tera Antaree:
Today’s TSW will be taught by Melissa T. on dimensional blocks for quilts. The next TSW will
be Linda Morand’s Thhe Value of Value.
The name-tag and 50/50 drawings were held.
Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag Drawings.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Pam Beebe, recording secretary

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