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Update from the Wounded Warrior Battalion

These updates are provided by Therese Thomas, our liaison with with Wounded Warrior Battalion at Camp Pendleton.

Well Tax Season is officially over – survived yet another one. My tiny office consumed five reams of paper and survival mode was by grit of clenched teeth. Tuesday morning I stumbled to my desk, verified that all necessary returns really HAD been efiled and were now accepted. I then collapsed in my recliner chair to elevate my swollen feet, and had an entire week of sleep, ice and rest of feet, and mass consumption/viewing of chick-flicks with my current roommate. Cindy is in a wheelchair thanks to an encounter with a drunken driver but is healing slowly and Monday was not only the end of tax season but the first day her docs allowed her to stand and put weight on her feet. She is gradually increasing standing time and will soon be perambulating (aided by walker at first) and by year’s end should be not using any aids at all. My home is wheel chair friendly and she has been camping out with me after she was sent “home” by Kaiser until she could use standing versions of physical therapy. Her home is too far out for Kaiser folks to visit and she would have been alone during the day while her husband was working.

So, after weekly visits for tax preparation of the residents and staff at the WWB, I now admit that I took boxes weekly of wonderful things you generous and kind folks have sent, but I just didn’t have the battery strength to send out newsletter keeping you informed. This one will be the tax season prezzies newsletter and were some wonderful and creative things sent!! Thomas and Alanna from Malibu sent loads of boxes that included:

Tons of wrapping paper

Balsa wood airplanes – three different types of them!!

Potting kids with spades, seeds, markers and the water holding cup beneath the pot; a great sauce pan, learning to cook books (remember when we didn’t know HOW to boil water – I remember calling a friend to ask if you had to peel mushrooms – really!); and Totally irresponsible Science books for budding mischief makers

Cookie cutters, dental hygiene kits,

A new in box Sony sound system that the FRO will use in a raffle – she was thrilled

Beach and playground golf and softball kits – and another huge box of wrapping paper plus bows. Their boxes were a huge haul for the WWB little Marines.

Barbara M of Taft CA sent creative boxes too:

Hand knit hats, soft and huggable dolls, chalk and My Little Pony!

Socks and more socks!!, stuffed animals, gloves, books and puzzles

More stuffed animals, playing cards, note cards, a beautiful necklace, play doh, window hangers, Mancala game and a set of desert animals (boys love snakes, lizards and a camel!). Barbara did good in her selections.

Terri G of Ohio sent more prezzies:

Beach game toys (sand castle starter molds, pails and shovels), watering cans, and big fuzzy flowers

Books, balls, games and crayons

More books, sidewalk chalk and fuzzy peeps Easter baskets, toy trucks – good job!

The final and glorious gift was a QUILT. Sent by a member of the Klein UMC Piecemakers (who sent so many quilts a few years ago), Corrine V of Montgomery TX sent this beautiful quilt

Warm, beautifully pieces, stars and curlicues in machine quilting – a manly quilt and it is a large full quilt. The WWB folks ran out of quilts a few weeks back and this will be in storage only a few pico-seconds before the next Marine going through the FRO’s office will depart with this beautiful gift in his arms.

Yesterday I finally got to quilting in my craft room and what a delight to feel fabric and smell warm pressed material. I’ve got 50 completed blocks for my next log cabin (it takes 80) so I should have the top finished and delivered to the machine quilting shop prior to my departure for European vacation.

I cannot thank you all enough for allowing me to deliver all your thoughtful, generous and very much appreciated gifts to these deserving Marines. They express their gratitude to me, as I’m the vehicle they see, but I KNOW how much you do to extend parts of your life and generosity to these wounded young men and women. At last visit there were over 160 residents at the WWB, but the Staff Sgts told me they expect many more now that the 3/5 has returned to Camp Pendleton. They had a very rough trip to Afghanistan and are grateful to be back stateside. I’m going to the WWB this morning with two representatives of the Valley Center Rodeo. On May 27th the rodeo starts and they have set aside VIP parking, seating and a tent to mingle for WWB residents and family. They will have free admission, a great BBQ meal, drinks and the cowboys will be encouraged to mingle with the Marines to enhance their enjoyment of this local rodeo. Cowboy Up!!

Therese Thomas

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