
Workshop Highlights – “Thread Bar” with Cindy Needham

A thread bar is as much fun as a candy store…which one  to try first!

Cindy talks about some of her favorite tools.

Is it a 5 foot table runner or a shawl?  Actually, it is Cindy Needham’s
creation with thread scraps!

Cindy Needham worked with everyone and answered our many questions!

After listening about thread facts, tidbits and information everyone set out to try different threads.


Participants used different weight threads and learned to adjust the tension for the different threads.


Everyone seem to keep very busy with so many threads to try!

 When trying new threads remember to write down the thread name you used on the top and
bottom and the tension setting.  Save this information to use as a reference!

An up close sample of Cindy Needham’s machine quilting. 

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