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Interactive Blog Articles!

To guild members that have taken the opportunity to sign up for our membership Blog on the website via a Feedblitz subscription—have you noticed the new format at the bottom of the articles that you receive in your email box? I just noticed it today! You can rate the currant Blog message, and also see a list of the Most Recent Articles that have been posted on the Blog.  

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2 Responses to “Interactive Blog Articles!”

  1. glenda ross Says:

    I want to put a plea for volunteers for the Windsor Quilt show in the blog. We need volunteers for July 1 to sell tickets for the Opportunity Quilts and items from the Boutique.
    The show will be held in the same place as last year, which is on the green next to the farmer’s market in Windsor.

  2. Administrator Says:

    Hi Glenda,
    I will put your request for Volunteers directly on the Blog. O.K. Glad to get the word out. If you want messages posted directly, send them to me at :

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