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Bag-along Project

 I was at the Senior Center on Tuesday and realized that we are running 
 low on fabric for the "Bag-Along" Project. For those of you that are 
 new this is a project where we make bags for walkers and give them 
 away free of charge. We had so much fabric for a while, but now we are 
 low. If you would like to donate some to this project, that would be 
 appreciated. It is the guilds that keep our project going. You women 
 are so generous!
 We put kits together and have them ready to be sewn. If you have time 
 to sew I can always bring a kit to the meeting. (I usually have some 
 in my car so just ask me; also there are almost always kits available 
 at the Village Sewing Center in Santa Rosa.) It takes about 1/2 hour 
 to sew a bag once you have made the first one. I usually make several 
 at the same time and assembly line sew them. I can make 7-10 in about 
 1 hour. If we know ahead we can give you similar colors so you can 
 even use the same thread. The bag can be almost completely made on the 
 serger if you are so lucky to have one! I have step-by-step pictures 
 available by email if you are a visual learner.
 During the summer we have fewer sewers working on our bags, so any help 
 would be appreciated. I was at dinner in Oakmont and saw several 
 residence with our bags. How fun it is to see them around the 
 community. I guess we should be running into them since we have made 
 over 2000!

 If you have any questions about our project or need more information 
 about donations please contact Pat Meiswinkel

Directions for the Bag-along project can be downloaded by clicking on the following link.
Bag-along Directions
 Thanks for your support,
 Pat Meiswinkel

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