
Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
August 7, 2008
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m.
Guests and two new members were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.
Pam reported that we have lost two really good friends. Katie Alix, a Guild member since 1982 and Martha Mattes, a Guild member since 1996 passed away recently.
Minutes: The July minutes were posted on the blog and a hard copy is available to members at the Library table. Lavella Cassinelli moved that the minutes be accepted as posted and Dotty Zagar seconded. Minutes accepted.
Jan Head reported that her husband is home and doing well and she appreciates all of the well wishes she received from Guild members. 
The Guild received a $50 donation from Myrle Hillback and a nice card from the Northwind Quilt Guild in Fairfield which was signed by every member of their Guild in response to the newspaper article about Lavella receiving the Jefferson Award.
The Harvest Fair is coming soon – Sept 5 is the deadline for entry forms which are available at the back table and at the Fair office.
Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported the account balance and that last month donations were over $1000 for community quilts and $800 for the Acorn Fund.
There will be a quilt show in Ukiah by the Grapevine Quilt Guild on September 13 and 14. There will be classes as well.
Pam McVey announced Guild members who won ribbons at the Sonoma County Fair:
Helen Anderson       Three 1st Place for
Best of Show
Best Use of Color & Design
Applique by hand, machine quilted
Tera Antaree       4th Place for Infant/Children Machine Quilted
                        5th Place for Machine pieced/quilted Another Lg
Pat Bass           4th Place for Machine pieced/quilted Another Lg
Genie Becker       3rd Place for Mach pieced /quilted Home Sm
Vicki David       3rd Place for App by hand, machine quilted
Linda Gwin       1st Place for Best Machine Pieced Quilt
Sue Haley       2nd Place for Machine pieced Quilt
Linda Hooper       1st Place for Machine pieced/quilt Home Sm
                        4th Place for Machine pieced quilted Home Lg
Carol Jarvis       1st Place for Any Other
                        3rd Place for Machine pieced, hand quilt, Sm
Angie Kiker       2nd Place for Machine pieced/quilted Longarm Lg
Blance Mansoor      2nd Place forInfant/Children Machine Quilted
Elizabeth Mars       1st Place Machine pieced/quilted Home Lg
Pam McVey       1st Place Best of Section
                        1st Place Machine Quilted on Home Mach
Sharon Mills       1st Place Machine Quilted by Another
                        3rd Place Machine pieced/quilted Home Lg
Cathy Ortelle       4th Place Any Other
Elizabeth Park      1st Place Tied
                        2nd Place Machine Quilted on Home Mach
Janice Rodgers      2nd Place App by mach, mach quilt home
                        2nd Place Machine pieced, hand quilt, Sm
Marilyn Swanson      Three 1st Place for
                        S.R. Quilt Guild Award
                        App by hand, hand quilted
                        Mach pieced, hand quilt, Sm
Karen Taylor      2nd Place Mach pieced quilted Another Lg
Shirley Ziolkowski 1st Place App by hand, machine quilted
Amie Trunick, age 6      Special award – first quilt MQSC
Pam Brown      1st Place Jacket
Tootsie Hunter, age 12      Our special award
And a few others in other categories
Congratulations were given to all and it was mentioned that 136 entries were hung at the Fair.
There will be an estate sale in St. Helena this coming weekend, August 9 & 10, 10-3 at 1331 Stockton Street. Items of interest are doll making supplies and textiles.
Committee Reports:
Phyllis Gallaway for Mary Wood, Program Chair: Announced the August Workshop: Linda Schmidt on August 22. And friends from Ukraine will be at the December meeting and will be selling their crafts.
Glenda Ross – Opportunity Quilt tickets:            Glenda asked for sign ups for selling tickets at the Home Show in September – a sign up sheet was sent around, and she reminded  members they need to pick up their raffle tickets.
Lavella Cassinelli – Community Projects: 799 quilts have been delivered to date. The fifth Thursday has worked out fantastic. There were 25 members working at the last one and the next will be in October. Doll quilts are welcomed.
Jan Andrews – Sew-a-Row:   Jan shared a few that needed more members to sign up. Today is their turn-in and pass on to the next person date. She will take starter rows for next year any time.
Pam Beebe – Boutique: The Guild made $208 at the Petaluma Show. Pam showed some new items: Chenille bunny, elephant with silk ears, gift bags, grab bag purse, and baby flannel burp cloths.
Tera Antaree – Technique Sharing Workshops: Today will be Hand Quilting Part 2: practicing. She thanked Marilyn and Mitzi for their expertise. 
There won’t be a TSW next meeting
Sept. 4 will be Juanita Campbell for Shear Hawaiian Applique
Sept. 18 will be Sharon Fry’s sister on creativity and mind sharing
Oct. – no TSW because of quiltathon and PIQF
Nov. – Holiday gift making
Look for details on the website. Tera asked if members would be interested in topics of mitered borders and hand piecing. She is also looking for someone to assist her. If anyone is interested they should contact her.
Melissa Trunick-PIQF bus trip: There are 10 spaces left for the Friday, Oct. 17 trip and she is opening it to non members. Melissa reminded members to bring lots of money. 
WIP (Works in Progress) are due on the third Thursday in November.
Linda Sims: Linda announced the Pixel Ladies Trunk Show on Aug. 26 at the Pointless Sisters meeting at 1 p.m. There will be a $5 program fee and it will be held at the Luther Burbank Garden Center, 2050 Yulupa Ave. in Santa Rosa.
The Community Smart Program cards can be ordered or renewed at a cost of $5. 
Kathy Hannan – Challenge Quilts: Kathy reminded members challenge quilts (topic: Vote 2008) are due at the Founder’s Day Luncheon on September 18.
Block of the Month: July’s block (4th of July) is due at the next meeting and we will be going off of the summer schedule of six weeks and back to four weeks to turn in blocks. She introduced the next block “Rolling Star”, a blue and aqua scrap star. She also welcomes suggestions and for someone to do Block of the Month next year and would will help them.
If anyone is interested in a minigroup on patchwork/history send Kathy an email at KTQuilts@gmailcom.
Anyone interested in doing a job next year might want to shadow the person doing the job in which they are interested.
Barbara Cortelyou – Hospitality: Barbara asked for sign-ups to bring food for the Founder’s Day Luncheon on September 18, the sign up sheet will be in the back of the room. Table decorators are also needed. Guests will include those who won ribbons at the Fair.
The Hospitality position is in need of someone to do it next year.
Glenda Ross announced that some of the Opportunity Quilt tickets were printed with perforations in the wrong place and asked Guild members to pick up those tickets to sell.
Sharon Fry – Library: Sharon showed some lost and found items which if aren’t claimed will go onto the auction table. She introduced new books and magazine issues and announced that $3500 was received from the fabric she brought in over several meetings.
Show and Tell was held as well as the name tag drawing and 50/50 drawing.
Betty Upchurch announced that her team raised $2700 for the July 26 Relay for Life walkathon and $2000 was from Guild members. Six quilts were donated and raffled off.
Lavella announced that a new member, Judy, brought her a large quilt for the Wounded Warrior Program and thanked her.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:26 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Meri Kay Gurnee
Corresponding Secretary

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