
October Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
October 2, 2008
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:04 AM.
Minutes: The September minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail. Earlene Maffioli moved that the minutes be accepted. Elizabeth Park seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.
Treasurer’s Report:   Jan Head reported that the 2008 budget is on track with income exceeding expenses mostly because of the fabric sale. This year’s newsletter has spent 50% less than the previous year, thanks to all of the members receiving the newsletter on the website.
The 2009 Budget meeting will be held at Pam McVey’s home on November 13th at 1:00 PM. If anyone has special requests or needs for the budget, please put them in writing. 
Old Business: Nothing to report.
New Business: Linda Hooper announced this year’s Honorary Life Membership Award goes to “The Go to Person” Phyllis Gallaway and presented her with a certificate.
Parliamentarian Holly Parma announced the proposed slate of elected officers for 2009:
            Linda Hooper                                              President
            Jan Andrews                                           Vice President
            Jan Head                                     Treasurer
            Cathy Rapp & Marian Fryer                        Recording Secretary
            Genie Becker & Janice Rodgers            Program Chairs
            Ronda Denny, Linda Thomas &
            Phyllis Gallaway                             Program Chairs Elect
            Carmen Black                                            Corresponding Secretary
            Janice Juul                                     Parliamentarian
Holly thanked Betty Upchurch, Janice Rodgers and Carol LeMonnier for helping her. 
Committee Reports:
Block of the Month:   Pam McVey announced the Block of the Month drawing will be postponed until the next meeting.
Tera Antaree-TSW: Tera reported that Cora Stewart will be teaching the Wheelchair Bag g at the next meeting on October 18th.   The 5th Thursday Retreat at the Luther Burbank Gardens will have a TSW workshop on “Intro to Machine Quilting”.
Phyllis Gallaway-MQSC Liaison: Phyllis invited all members to attend the Moonlight Quilt Guild’s Christmas Boutique at their next meeting November 5th.   Joe Cunningingham will present his “Musical Quilt Show” on November 19th.
Linda Hooper-Friendship Blocks: Linda showed four newly finished blocks. 
Glenda Ross-Opportunity Quilt Tickets: Glenda announced the amount received from ticket sales at the Fall Home Show. She stated it was like pulling teeth this year to sell that many raffle tickets. 
Mary Wood-Program Chair: Due to the Pacific International Quilt Festival, the Guild’s October programs meeting will be a play day. Bring your sewing machine and sewing supplies and help sew on Community Quilts, Boutique items, Wheelchair Bags or any of your own projects. 
Pam Beebe-Boutique:  Pam announced a sewing workshop for the Boutique at the Village Sewing Center on October 9th at 10:00 AM. Bring your sewing machine with either a walking foot or zipper foot, rulers, cutting mats and rotary cutters. 
Sharon Fry-Librarian:  Sharon introduced a new book to the library entitled “501 Rotary Quilt Blocks” by Judy Hopkins.
Lavella Cassinelli-Community Projects: Lavella has delivered 960 quilts so far this year. She is in need of the doll quilts and quilts for the neo-natal babies.  
Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:35 AM to start the Quilt-A-Thon.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis
Recording Secretary

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