
Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
September 4, 2008
President Pam McVey called the meeting to order at 10:00 AM.
Three guests were introduced and welcomed to the Guild.
Minutes: The August minutes were sent to the membership via e-mail. Doty Zagar moved the minutes be accepted as corrected.   Lavella Cassinelli Seconded. Accepted. A copy of the minutes is available at the library table.
Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head’s treasurer tidbit for this meeting is the income received from the use of the SmartCard. It is an easy way to receive money for the Guild’s projects. If anyone wishes to have a card, please contact Linda Sims to sign-up.
Announcements:   Sue Deal from the San Francisco Quilt Guild is here today selling raffle ticket for their “Gypsy Shimmer” Opportunity Quilt.
The Guild was reminded that the membership roster is not a public document and it’s information should not be distributed to anyone outside of the Guild.
A thank you letter was received for the pillow cases, wheelchair and side bags delivered by Cora Stewart to the Veterans Home.  
Justine Lott is circulating two clipboards around the room for anyone wanting to order flower bulbs.   Proceeds from the sales of the bulbs go to the Guild.   
New Business: The Board inquired whether or not the membership wanted to establish a new category to the budget to cover outreach programs. The new category would allow the Guild to distribute a stated amount of money from our savings to worthy causes. Some of the concerns for this proposal included: losing our non-profit status because of disseminating cash, and the idea that any surplus should remain within the Guild for its own use.   After a very lengthy discussion, Phyllis Gallaway introduced a motion: As long as our spare money is within the treasurer’s operating expenses that we leave the money in savings for future expenditures. Doty Zagar Second.  The majority of the membership was in favor.
Lavella Cassinelli requested permission to purchase a mangle for the community project program. She has tried two used mangles with little success. With the increasing amount of quilts the Guild is producing each year, the ironing of the fabric is a gigantic job. Judith Clarke moved that the Guild approve the initial purchase of a mangle, as well as that the budget incorporate the yearly expenses of operating the machine. Lynne Atkinson Seconded. Vote: Unanimous.
Committee Reports:
Lavella Cassinelli-Community Projects:   Lavella is in need of more Neo-Natal quilts, she has put kits on each table.  A sewing day will be held at Luther Burbank Gardens on Friday, September 19th.   As of today, Lavella has delivered 897 quilts.
Glenda Ross-Opportunity Quilts Tickets: Glenda needs volunteers to sell tickets during the Home Show at the Sonoma County Fairgrounds on Saturday, September 20th from 4:00 to 7:00. 
Pam Beebe-Boutique: The boutique has held two brainstorming sessions and has come up with ideas for new items to be produced and sold by the boutique. Pam has sent an e-mail to members requesting items she needs such as fat quarters and buttons.  
Phyllis Gallaway recognized Pam Beebe and her helpers for all the work they do making and selling the items in the boutique.  Project workdays for the boutique have been set up for September 19th and October 30th at the Luther Burbank Gardens and October 11th at the Village Sewing Center in Coddingtown.
Barbara Cortelyou-Hospitality: The next meeting will be the Founders Day Luncheon on September 18th.   Barbara asked for help in the kitchen and decorating one food table. Many hands went up volunteering to help in the kitchen. Diana Roberts volunteered to decorate a food table. 
Jan Andrews-Newsletter/Sew-A-Row: Jan announced there will be a combined newsletter for September/October. The next newsletter will come out in the beginning of October.
Linda Hooper-Website-Friendship Blocks: No friendship blocks to show today. There is room on the website, if members would like to supply more information about the quilts they show during Show and Tell. Please send the information to Linda via e-mail prior to the meetings.
Carolle LeMonnier-Challenge Quilts: Carolle exuberantly reminded the members of this year’s Quilt Challenge that it is due September 18th at the Founders Day Luncheon. The quilts need to be placed in opaque bags. During the luncheon the quilts will be shown anonymously and them a vote will be taken for the winner.
Kathy Hannan-Block of the Month: Kathy introduced the new block called “Snowball Star” done in violets. The drawing for this block will be October 2nd. Directions are on a table in the back of the room or on the website. Today will be the drawing for the “Rolling Star” blocks.
Melissa Trunick-Field Trips: The bus trip to Pacific International Quilt Festival is full with twelve people on the waiting list. Melissa sent an e-mail out to the membership with a request for items to be sent to soldiers in Iraq who have not been receiving communication or care packages from home. Items can also be donated at the next meeting. 
Tera Antaree-Technique Sharing Workshops: Juanita Campbell will be offering today’s TSW on “Hawaiian Appliqué with No Needle Turning”. Sharon Fry’s sister, Susan, will hold a TSW at the Founders Day Luncheon entitled “Creativity and Mind Mapping”.  On November 6th, Pam Brown will share her techniques for envelopes and gift bags made out of calendars. Linda Hooper is offering a quick and easy table runner for the holidays on November 20th.
Diana Roberts is teaching a machine quilting class at Quilted Vine. During the 5th Thursday Retreat on October 30th, she will share her technique for machine quilting with a walking foot. 
Sharon Fry-Librarian: Sharon will be the Committee Chair for next year’s Opportunity Quilt.  She is collecting washed 100% silk ties for the new Opportunity Quilt during September. Sharon assured the Guild that it is safe to machine wash and dry the ties.  
Sharon introduced the new books and magazines to the library.
Show and Tell was held as well as the Name Tag and 50/50 drawings.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:00 PM.
Respectfully Submitted,
Linda M. Emis
Recording Secretary

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