
September Business Meeting Minutes

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
September 3, 2009

The meeting was called to order by President Linda Hooper at 10:02 AM.

Linda Hooper introduced a new member.

Minutes: Joyce Wood moved to accept the August minutes as published. Dotty Zagar seconded. The motion carried.

Treasurer’s Report: Jan Head reported positive cash flow for August. Year-to-date expenditures exceeded revenue which was anticipated in the budget.


Volunteers are needed for hospitality for the October meetings.

A raffle quilt to support cancer research is on display at Parkside Sewing Center and tickets are available there.

Linda Ziemer shared a thank-you for the guild project to sew patches on Sonoma State soccer uniforms. The fundraiser brought in $500.

Melissa Trunick announced that the Guild bus trip to the Pacific International Quilt Festival (PIQF) will be on Friday, October 16. The Cost is $38 for paid members and $43 for non-members. Checks should be made out to Santa Rosa Quilt Guild.

New Business: There was no new business.

Committee Reports:

Program and Workshops- Genie Becker and Janice Rodgers: Janice introduced the programs for October and November.

Founder’s Day Luncheon: Carolle LeMonnier and Georgiann Morrissey asked for a few more volunteers to help clean up at the Founder’s Day luncheon on September 17.

Quilt Challenge- Carolle LeMonnier, Georgiann Morrissey, Kathy Hannan: Georgeann reminded members that there are only two weeks left until the challenge quilts are due at the Founder’s Day luncheon on September 17.

Sunshine – Jenine Giblin: A card is being routed for a member who is recovering from surgery. Cards are often donated for Sunshine. Jenine explained that inappropriate cards (such as birthday cards) are donated to Friends Outside at Sonoma County Jail or they will be on the silent auction table.

Opportunity Quilt – Glenda Ross: Lots of volunteers are needed for the Home Show which is one of our best fundraising venues. Also, Glenda reminded members to pick up their tickets for the opportunity quilt.

Block of the Month – Rhonda Denny, Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyou: Linda introduced the row house block, which is the next block for “Create a Village.”

TSW – Tera Antaree and Phyllis Gallaway: Phyllis described the last two TSWs for 2009 and reminded members to sign up early. Send ideas for next year’s TSWs to Tera or Phyllis.

Community Projects – Lavella Cassenelli: Karen Boscolo reminded members to pick up quilts in various stages of completion to work on and then bring them to the Quiltathon on October 1.

Librarian – Sharon Fry: Sharon introduced a variety of new books and magazines.

Show and Tell was held along with the Fifty-Fifty and Name Tag drawings.

The meeting was adjourned at 11:12 AM.

Respectfully Submitted,

Cathy Rapp, Recording Secretary

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